Chapter 8 - Fixing Mistakes

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Driving to BAU headquarters was even more nerve-wrecking than usual, seeing that you and Spencer were still not on best terms. Naturally, you had no time to talk to one another after the murder in the ballroom, but that uncomfortable feeling in your stomach didn't seem to disappear no matter how much you tried to ignore it.

So when BAU called you to their office once again, you couldn't help but feel excited even though you knew you weren't supposed to.

The ring of your phone snapped you out of your thoughts and you touched the screen.

"Hi mom."

"Are you meeting that handsome agent?" her voice filled the car and you heaved a sigh.

"I'm going there to look at the crime scene photos, not to have a romantic date."

"Well it could still be a romantic date," she said, "Perhaps you two know. Spend some time together after you're done there."

"He's working."

"So what?"

You scoffed a laugh, "Mom, I know you're not very familiar with this whole working thing, but people can't just leave work whenever they want."

"Don't people call in sick sometimes?"

"Don't- don't people call in sick while they're at work?" you repeated, "Not exactly. Besides, I told you, things are weird between us."

"It didn't look like things were weird between you two back at the charity ball."

You pulled your brows together, "Uh- someone died at the said charity ball."

"I know, a huge tragedy and we will all miss Tracy," she said "May she rest in peace, but life goes on."

You shook your head slightly as you pulled over, "I'll call you when I leave there, okay?"

"Have fun!"

"Have fun at the FBI?" you asked but she had already hung up. You bit on your lip, taking a minute to pull yourself together and calm yourself down before you grabbed the boxes from the backseat and left your car.

By the time the elevator reached the BAU floor, you were not calm at all, instead, you were growing more nervous by the minute.

What if he didn't even want to talk to you?

Were you even sure that you wanted to talk to him?

The lack of communication was more than enough to make you miss him, but you didn't trust yourself to say the right things if you saw him. The elevator made a small noise and the doors opened, letting you step outside.

"Luke!" you called out when you saw him and he looked over his shoulder, then made his way to you.

"Hey," he smiled warmly, "Welcome. We should get you a permanent visitor's card with the way this is going huh?"

"Yeah, if FBI needs any events planned, I can get a desk over here. Two birds with one stone."

"What's in the boxes?"

"Croissants," you held up the biggest box, "This is for you and the rest of the team except for Garcia and ehm-Spencer."


"Because I don't trust you anymore."

Luke shrugged his shoulders, "I would be offended, but yeah I get where this is coming from."


"Garcia is in her office and Reid and JJ left an hour ago to talk to some witnesses."

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