Chapter 5 - Breaking The Rules

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Having brunch with your family wasn't such a new thing for you, your mother insisted it was important to spend time together so that you all would know what was happening in each other's lives.

Once a week at one o'clock, at your mother's house. Like clockwork.

The only problem was that after your small argument with your sister in front of Spencer and all of FBI, you found it a little difficult to make small talk, so that ended up with you and your sister sitting silently at the table, glaring at each other.

"Alright," your mother heaved a sigh, putting her glass of mimosa on the table, "Somebody needs to tell me what's happening right now because I can only take so much sulking. Y/N?"

You shrugged slightly, grabbing your mimosa to take a sip and your mother turned to your sister.


"I have nothing to say," she stated, "She was the one who threw a fit in front of an audience, she can explain what happened."

"I didn't throw a fit," you spat, "Excuse me if I found it weird that you're still clinging to the photos with that monster in them."

"Jesus, you're so obsessed-"

"I'm obsessed?" you let out a laugh, "We made a deal, we said we would burn all his photos—"

"I'm not going to throw away my whole childhood just because he is in them," Mina cut you off, "It's a good thing I didn't, even your cute doctor boyfriend agrees."

"Wait, what boyfriend?" Your mother asked, looking between you and you could feel the fire spreading over your cheeks.

"He's not my boyfriend."

"What boyfriend?"

"Dr. Spencer Reid," Mina smiled at you, batting her lashes as your mother's jaw dropped, "He works in the FBI."


"Oh please, it's so obvious, you might as well get a tattoo over your forehead. You were giving him all heart eyes in a conference room with creepy crime scene photos, you've got issues."

"Who is he?" your mother asked, clapping her hands together, clearly pleased with the news and you rolled your eyes at Mina.

"He's no one," you said, "And don't get off the subject."

"You look like you're getting off just fine with the good doctor—"

"Mina!" this time it was your mother and Mina grinned to herself before grabbing her drink.

"Don't worry," she tilted her glass at you, "He was stealing glances at you too. It's cute, you guys are like puppies."

"You're such a bitch."

"None of that language, hello?" your mother said, exasperated, "You'd think you were raised with wolves, honestly. So, who is this young man? I want to hear everything!"

You shot Mina a glare,

"There's honestly nothing to hear." You cleared your throat, shifting your weight, "He um—he works in the FBI, they're dealing with these murders happening lately and you"

"Oh come on, if you don't tell her anything, mom will put a private investigator on his tail," she thought for a moment, "On second thought, I think we both know she will do it regardless of what you say."

"No- mom, no!" you turned to point at your mother but she had the audacity to look scandalized,

"I said nothing."

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