Chapter 17 - Mind Games

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Not even once in your life had you ever imagined yourself in handcuffs, in an interrogation room on the wrong side of the table.

You weren't even at the FBI headquarters though. The police had taken you to the station after the hospital, taking a blood sample and your fingerprints, then they had handcuffed you and left you there with a glass of water.

Of course they suspected you. Of course they thought you had murdered him.

Murder was your father's legacy, after all.

You traced the handcuffs over your wrists, already feeling the bruises forming there. For some reason, you had imagined them heavier when you saw them in those movies. The shock still hadn't worn off but you were starting to think it was a good thing. It felt as if you were watching all of this from behind some kind of glass window, perfectly aware of every single emotion but unable to actually feel them.

Spencer had said when you felt threatened, your body produced nervous energy, some sort of a fight or flight reaction but for once you weren't trying to do any of that.

You just sat there, completely frozen.

"You look calm," the police officer spoke, making you look up, trying to ignore the faint yelling coming from outside, possibly from the end of the hall.

"I'm sorry?"

"Most people would be traumatized if this happened to them, they'd be crying, shaking..." he motioned at you, "But look at you. Still as a statue. You look pretty calm."

"Would you rather if I were crying?"

"I'd rather if you were acting like a human being," he said, "Why are you so calm?"

Why were you so calm?

Because your mother had taught you this much. Showing emotion when you were afraid meant weakness.

"My father was a serial killer," you stated, looking him dead in the eye, "I've had a complicated childhood."

"Yeah, I'd say..." he leaned in slightly, "You know, I've watched that documentary about your father. His interviews too."

You raised your brows as he sniffled, trying to look like he was nonchalant about this whole situation.

"And I've spent sixteen years on this job," he said, "After a while, you don't even need anyone to speak for you to know what they've done. It's all in their eyes and little girl," he clicked his tongue, "There's nothing behind your eyes but ice and death."

You couldn't cry. You wouldn't cry. Not in front of people, not even if they tried to kill you. No matter how much they tried to hurt you-

No emotions.

"Impressive," you managed to say, "Very poetic. Have you ever considered changing your career?"

"You know what I think?"

"I'm sure you're about to enlighten me."

"I think you wanted to follow your father's footsteps," he said, "I think you killed Anthony, and all those other people. It's not even your fault, is it? Some people are just born broken."

That was more than enough to make your eyes snap up to his and you could feel the lump in your throat but you bit your tongue so hard that you swallowed blood, making sure to keep your expression still.

"Nothing to say?"

"You've already decided what to think of me," you said, "And I already told you what happened. What more do you want to hear?"

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