Chapter 6 - The Fall

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You heaved a sigh, changing the channel while snacking on stale popcorn, lying on your sister's couch. It was still early but you couldn't sleep as usual, so as soon as the first lights of the morning spilled through your window, you left home and drove to her place.

But even the most dramatic show wasn't enough to grab your attention.

You nibbled on your lip and unlocked your phone, then tapped on your gallery to take a look at the photo Garcia had taken when you were all drinking together and sent it to you. You didn't even bother to try to stop the smile appearing on your face as you looked at the picture, then zoomed in to Spencer's grin as Garcia held the shot away from him before you zoomed in on your face.

You actually looked happy. The shine in your eyes was visible even in the picture and the huge smile on your face did nothing to hide what you felt, and it looked so different to your eyes that it took you by surprise even if it was the hundredth time you were looking at the picture.

The footsteps coming closer made you snap out of it and you quickly locked your phone again before you sat up in the couch.

"Jesus, you scared me," Mina said, pressing a hand over her chest "How long have you been here?"

"Like two hours."


"Your house is my house."

"It really isn't," she said and walked to the coffee maker, "You could've at least made coffee if you were going to break in."

"I have a key," you reminded her and heaved a sigh, "By the way, we might have a problem."

"Is it mom? Dad? Work?"


She scrunched up her face, "Oh come on, it's too early for me to deal with your romantic drama."

You shot her a glare but before you could say anything, you heard her wife coming down the stairs.

"Did I hear- oh morning Y/N!"

"Hi Kenzie!" you pressed a kiss on her cheek, "Where's that offspring of yours?"

"Still sleeping but she will be happy to see you," she walked to peck Mina on the lips "Did you come for breakfast?"

"Nah," you shook your head, "Thanks. I came because I need help. With a guy."

Mina and Kenzie exchanged glances and turned to you,

"And you came here?" Kenzie asked slowly, "Like, for us to help?"

Mina started pouring coffee into the mugs, "Do I need to come out to you again?"


"Because the first time I did it, you bought me a signed copy of the first season of Xena and asked if we could throw a party."

Kenzie let out a laugh, "Did you?"

"No," you said, "But I was so ready, we were going to set a closet on fire and there was going to be this huge cake- anyway, I just need some perspective on this.... situation."

"Let me guess, this is about the cute FBI agent with the pretty hair and puppy dog eyes," Mina handed you the mug and you inhaled the scent of coffee,

"Maybe," you said "It's just..."


"I think I actually like this dude," the confession left your lips way too fast, "He's just so—" you flexed your fingers, looking for words, "Ugh!"

"I take it that's a good sign," Kenzie let out a laugh but you groaned, burying your face into your hands.

"But that's a bad idea, right? I shouldn't, right?"

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