Chapter 11 - Lovesick

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It was as if you were walking on clouds the following days. Even though you hadn't been able to talk to Spencer on the phone or could barely text because of how busy he was with the case, it wasn't enough to make the excitement in your heart disappear whenever you thought back to the time he had kissed you at the end of your date.

That kiss had also made you realize something:

You really, really missed him when he was away.

So you did the only thing you could think of and focused your full attention on your work. It at least helped a little with the worry that seemed to fill your head whenever you thought about him being on a job to catch a dangerous killer. You knew he was good at his job, his whole team was, even if your mind kept coming up with the scenarios that could go wrong.

On the other hand, that fire at the pit of your stomach was burning as strong as that morning, no matter how many days had passed.

"So how's everything with your girlfriend?" you asked Lincoln, making him look up from his steak. You and he had decided to meet for lunch again for the third time that week and you were beginning to really like his companionship.

Besides, it was nice to have someone you could talk to about your childhood without having to skirt around the subject of your dad.

"I mean, I miss her," he wiped his mouth with the napkin before putting it aside, "This whole long distance relationship thing isn't as easy as I thought. That, and my family's constant pressure..."

"Pressure about what?"

"They don't like her."

You frowned, "Why not?"

"Well," he let out a breath, "We don't exactly have the same...same background, in terms of education or financial status."

"So what?" you shrugged your shoulders, "You're in love with each other, that's what's important."

"You really think so?"

"Hell yeah," you nodded, "What is this, the fifteenth century?"

He smiled slightly, "I should bring that up the next time," he said, "How about you? How's everything with the guy you are seeing?"

Your eyes snapped up to his and you cleared your throat, pushing at your salad with your fork, "It's— it's going really well, actually."

"Am I allowed to ask how serious it is?" he shot you a grin, making you roll your eyes playfully.

"It's pretty new, Linc."

"Is he seeing anyone?"

You could feel the discomfort hitting you at the idea of it, "I don't know. I don't think so?"

"Well, do you want it to be serious? Exclusive and all that?"

You scoffed and sipped your rosé, "Why, you're going to give me the guy viewpoint?"

"Yeah, are you ready?"


"Okay," he sipped his wine, "Ask him."

"I'm not going to ask him if he wants to be exclusive this early, it's sabotage."

"Just tell him you don't want to play games," Lincoln said, "It's not sabotage, it's boundaries."

You swirled the wine in your glass and he sat up straighter,

"Is he okay with this by the way? Us having lunches?"

"I've never asked anyone's permission about my friends and I'm not going to start now."

"No, I didn't mean that," he shook his head, "Just that...he could get jealous."

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