Chapter 4 - Tempting Fate

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To be completely honest, not hearing from Spencer for the last couple of days was affecting you more than you thought it would. You had no idea why, because everything between you was professional, except for the whole flirting.

But again, that was still one sided, so...

It was impossible to miss someone you had met so recently, and you were completely aware of that but that didn't stop you from checking your voice mails or texts just to see whether he had left something, but there was nothing. As if all of that wasn't enough, you couldn't sleep well at nights so you decided to focus on your work and try to push back any thoughts of handsome FBI agents who could apparently read you like an open book.

"So if you want to hold the ceremony inside, they can of course decorate the hall and put the altar there but—" you walked through the garden, stifling a yawn "I think the garden fits better. What do you think, Sarah?"

"I think it's perfect!" the bride-to-be grinned at you before turning to her fiancée. "Babe?"

"I like it. How many people can fit in here?"

"You gave me a list of 200 people, but the garden itself can hold 300," you said, "So we talked about a fall theme and I know it might be hard to visualize it with all these flowers around here, but my assistant will send you a couple of pictures after here so that you can have a clear idea."

Your phone buzzed in your hand and you lowered your glances to check the caller ID, ready to reject the call but as soon as your eyes caught a sight of the name you felt your heart skip a beat. The excitement filled you instantly and you caught the small squeal trying to escape from your lips at the last second, but when you lifted your head to look at the couple, your expression was completely calm.

"Sorry, I have to take this," you held up your phone, "Walk around the garden and see if there's anything you don't like so that we can make sure to change it if you decide on here."

They nodded and you walked away from them, taking a deep breath and answered the call.

"Finally professor," Thankfully, you managed to keep your voice from going high-pitched with excitement, "I was beginning to think you forgot about me."

There was a pause on the other line before Spencer's voice reached your ears.

"Hi Y/N, you're on speaker."

You threw your head back, closing your eyes in embarrassment as you mouthed a cuss, then cleared your throat.

"Of course I am. Hello, the rest of the FBI whom I also thought forgot about me." You said, looking around to the blossoming flowers and green grass in hopes of calming down, "What is it this time? Have my prayers been answered and someone finally shanked that monster?"

"Not really, your father is in good health." You heard Alvez who sounded like he was smiling and you heaved a sigh.

"That guy's whole existence is an anti-thesis for karma," you muttered, "So, what's up then?"

"We were wondering if you could drop by our office today."

Your head snapped up, "What?" you asked, "Me? Why?"

"We have some crime scene photos and we want to ask you if they look familiar to you," Spencer said, "No one took any photos of your house when your father was arrested because it wasn't a crime scene but we have reason to believe one of the copycats reached that information somehow. We would like to make sure."

You pinched the bridge of your nose.

Right. Of course that was the reason why Spencer would call you. There was a case, that was the whole reason why you had met anyway.

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