Chapter 12 - The Dark Side

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Your car ride to your mother's place took shorter than you thought it would, but you weren't complaining. The sooner you were done, the sooner you would be able to meet Spencer for lunch, if he was available.

Just the thought of seeing him was more than enough to make your heart skip a beat and put a smile on your face as you left the car and walked to the house to ring the bell. The maid let you in as always, and you hummed a song to yourself, already impatient.

"Hey," your sister waved at you from the couch when you stepped into the living room, "You're early."

You pulled your brows together, "So are you."

"I dropped Lily off to school this morning," she shrugged your shoulders, "Figured it would make more sense to drive straight here."

"Where's mom?"

"Upstairs, getting ready," she said, "You look very chipper."

"It's a beautiful morning."

She tilted her head, "So... Dr. Reid then?"


"You woke me up at 5 o'clock in the morning, screaming about him kissing you and I barely heard from you for the following days," she reminded you and you shot her a look.

"You had like one million meetings."

"Yes and now I'm free and I need details," she said as she put down the magazine she was reading, "Is he seriously that good in bed that you walk around with a smile on your face?"

"Mina!" you said, a fire creeping under your cheeks, "We didn' we haven't yet. We're taking it slow."

Mina tilted her head, "You?"

"What's with the tone of disbelief?"

"It's just that you're not the most patient person when it comes to taking it slow."

Your jaw dropped, "I could take it slow!"

"In theory yes," Mina stated, "It's like putting a mouse in front of a cat and expect it not to go after it. Is it capable of staying still? Yes. Is it going to stay still? Probably not."

"Am I the cat or the mouse in this scenario?" you mused out loud but the footsteps walking by the door made you both look up and as soon as you did, you raised your brows while Mina sat up straighter.

The man from the charity ball, the one you had called silver fox much to your mother's discontent was currently in the hallway, looking as frozen as you and Mina were, but he pulled himself together quite fast, a polite smile appearing on his lips as he put his jacket on.

"Hello," he stepped into the living room as Mina stood up, "How rude of me, I don't believe we've met."

"We haven't," you said, gawking at him until your sister elbowed you and you extended your hand. "Y/N."


"Nolan Yates," he shook her hand as well, "I've heard so much about you two."

"Nolan Yates?" Mina repeated, "CEO of Yates Securities?"

"Yates Securities?" you asked and Mina raised her brows.

"One of the largest security companies in the world."

"Third largest," he looked impressed, "You've done your research, Mina."

"The firm I work in represents your company, Mr Yates."

"Then I'm glad to know that we're in good hands," he pointed out but before he could say anything else, your mother's footsteps came closer.

"Oh you guys are early!" she exclaimed and you and Mina exchanged glances as Nolan pecked her on the lips, "I thought you wouldn't be here for another hour."

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