Chapter 10 - Here Comes Trouble

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So as it turned out, you had gone completely crazy thanks to this little crush of yours because you had decided to give in and search signs that he's into you. You had maybe fifteen tabs open as you sipped your coffee, trying to remember whether Spencer had shown any of these signs.

You were sure that he was slightly leaning in whenever he was talking to you, for starters. You had just assumed it was because he was tall, but according to all these websites, softening his posture and tilting his body towards you even when he could clearly hear you was a good sign.

"You cannot be serious," your sister said from behind you and you tilted the screen down but it was too late.

"Please tell me this is a joke," she said, "Tell me you're not actually checking those websites to see if he likes you."

"Okay, he reads my body language too so basically he started it—"

"Oh my God," she murmured, "You do realize that you're a grown ass woman, right?"


"How hard is it to ask him?"

"I'm not going to ask him if he likes me!" you exclaimed, "That's not how it works."

"Oh then how does it work?" she grinned, "Because apparently we're back to high school now."

"Can you just go away?"

"No I'm serious, are you going to get bangs with highlights too? Is that where we are right now?"

"Mom!" you called out, "Mina doesn't let me work!"

"You're not working," Mina flung herself on the couch, "You're being pathetic. And even though that's basically what you do all day, it doesn't count as a job."

"What is going on?" your mother walked into the room, "Mina, let your sister work."

"She's not working," Mina stated, "She's googling how to tell if a guy likes her."

"Is this about Spencer?"

"This is a general research," you defended yourself as Mina pulled your laptop to her,

"Does this mean your lunch with Mr. Childhood Friend wasn't mind blowing?"

"We just met to catch up," you said, watching your mother sip her tea, reading the newspaper, "We talked about old times, that's it. Besides, he has a girlfriend in Italy."

Mina scoffed a laugh, "Yeah Y/N, of course he has a girlfriend in Italy."

"No I'm serious," you said, "He actually talked about her a lot."

"Has it ever occurred to you that maybe he said that because you told him you were seeing someone?" Mina asked, "Which you're not."

"Nah, it was a friendly lunch."

"Was he..." Mina stole a look at the screen, "Was he playing with his glass because playing with circular objects remind them of—" she stopped reading and shook her head slightly, "I literally feel sorry for you."

"Mina stop pitying your sister, it's not her fault if Lincoln paid attention to her circular objects."

"I would like to remind everyone in this room that my serial killer father drags me much less than this when I visit him," you announced, "Just so that you can understand how low the bar is. Wait, Spencer was playing with his glass the other day when we were drinking—"

"I'm begging you to stop," Mina placed the laptop in your lap as the doorbell rang and Lily's gleeful voice reached you, along with Kenzie's "Don't run!"

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