Chapter 36 - Half Way.

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Lily's POV - (20th June)

Today is my 20 week scan. Half way through! My belly is only slightly bigger than it was 2 weeks ago, and apparently is sitting now just above average, which was good to hear, because up until now, my bump has been a few weeks ahead of itself.

Our holiday 3 weeks ago was amazing! We had a great time, everyone was refreshed and happy, there weren't really any arguments and all the adults were all sexed out by the time we came back.

As usual, James' boys and Jax were on the case with Scarlett, as she gave them hell. She's 11 years old and is beginning to know what she wants to do, on her own. She's not appreciating them all being over her all the time.

Matty and Sky were joined at the hip and Scott ended up taking Ivy's phone, when he found out she had been sending some naughty messages. She later cried and said she was sorry and that she didn't actually want to do it, but that she had a lot of peer pressure from friends and her boyfriend to do it. She said she was also being pressured to send photo's, but that she hadn't done that because she was scared. She showed Clara the messages and Clara said she was being pushed into doing it, not only by her boyfriend, but as she said, also her friends.

Her dad was happy to know that she was still a virgin, but he also called Justin's parents home phone and told them what was going on and that he was stopping her seeing him. The parents were on board and Ivy didn't even try to stop him. I think she got in deeper than she realised and needed a way out. That's what being 17 is though isn't it, when you're that age and everyone else has done everything, you feel childish for not having done it.

But the holiday was an all round success and we've all come away happier after catching up properly and having fun.

But anyway, now we are home, back to normal life and have been back to work and are now at our scan.

I've given my urine sample in already and have had all the measurements taken. My blood pressure is all good as well. I've also been given the whooping cough vaccine.

As much as I hate vaccines, if it will help my baby then I'll do anything. I also hate the amount of bloods they have to take, but again, it's to see if my baby is okay.

And now for the fun part! "Okay when you're ready, you can lie back and we will get started on your scan." Sarah says with a smile.

I lay back and pull up my shirt and Sarah put the gel on my stomach. "So do you want to know the sex of the baby today?" She asks.

Me and Tom have discussed it a lot the last couple of weeks. We want to get ready, but at the same time we don't have to know.

"No thank you, we just want to keep it a secret" Tom says as he looks at me with a smile. I smile back.

We decided we are going to keep it a secret, it also gives us a chance to go through all the baby names as well. Clara's also said whatever sex it is, she's got neutral baby stuff that we can have, so that will help a lot.

"Oh before I forget, let me give you this form. It's your maternity certificate. You're working aren't you?" Sarah asks me and I nod.

"Okay, so this is for you to get maternity pay and your maternity benefits, you can also get free dental care and things like that whilst you're pregnant. It's all written on these forms" she hands it to me and I pass it to Tom.

As she puts the doppler on my stomach the screen fills up with our baby. I feel the smile stretch across my face. I can't believe that's our baby is growing inside of me. It's only been feeling real the last 3 weeks since the baby has been moving all night, every night. But seeing it again on the screen makes it hit home even more. Well that and the kicking keeping me awake every night.

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