Chapter 2 - Where It Begins.

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AN- you don't have to even look and I don't do this for any of my characters, but I can't not put a picture up of Tom Hardy! He has some pictures that are even more beautiful, but this one shows his tats, his beard growing out and his body build. He's who I imagine when I'm thinking about Tommie. Hes the kind of rugged that I like. Lol. He's beautiful, and exactly who I imagine. Again, you can imagine who you like, but this guy is perfection and I thought I'd share!

Lily's pov (7th September)

"Where are the kids?" Clara says as she gives him a hug.

He's so handsome and sexy and I can't breath whilst he's looking at me, so I'm glad when he looks away from me and looks to Clara. I just look down and play with Peytons fingers , as she lays in my arms. "They're at Tara's mum and dads, they want time quite often with Jacob and Elenor. I guess it's their tie to her." He says with a small smile.

Tom has two kids, Jacob who's 5 and Elenor who's 3. They're good kids.

Tara is his wife. Or was his wife. We knew them for about 5 years when she died. She had cancer, it was horrible for everyone, but it was devestating to watch their family crumble as she died. To watch Tom fall to pieces when the kids weren't around to watch.

That was 2 years ago. I tried to comfort him, but it's hard when you don't know what the other person is really going through. I remember the first time we met them.

*7 years earlier- Lily is 13*

"Lily come and meet a friend of Scott's, he's going to be living in the area so they've come to say hello" Clara says to me. I roll my eyes. Great just what I want when I'm trying to get ready to go out with my friends.

I leave my make up that I've been trying to do for the last half an hour. I walk downstairs and go to the kitchen. When I walk in I see a god.

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! I scream in my head. My breathing feels shallow as I stare at this man.

"Lilz this is Tom and Tara, Tom's a friend of mine and they've just moved into the area." Scott tells me and I try to remember how to breath as I look down at the floor.

I feel my cheeks burning as I give a quick wave and say "hi" trying to not look at him. Tom and Tara both give me friendly looks and a hello back as Scott tells them that I'm Lily and also Ivy, Jaxon and Matthews names too.

The second I can, I escape back to my room and forget about everything else, except getting out of the house. I message Lacey to say that I am ready and that I'll meet her at the shopping centre.

"I'm going out Clara, I'll be back later. I won't be home for dinner!" I shout to her as I run down the stairs and out the front door with my hand bag and keys.

I breath a massive breath of fresh air before I go to meet up with my friends.

*back to present* 

And that was the day my obsession with Tom Williams started.

I was 13 when I saw him first and completely fell for his charm, even though I was only a kid and he only ever treated me like any of the other kids, but I always wanted more. I couldn't help it.

Not that I've been over the top, but looks when I could get them and letting him see I'm not just another one of the kids, but it never made a difference.

Right up until last year, I was trying to subtly take what I could get, and I realised that I can't spend my life pining after someone who doesn't want me. So I got a boyfriend. It hasn't helped how much I want him, but it's taken me away from Tom.

Can't Stop Wanting You. (EDITED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن