Chapter 24- My Dream.

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Tom's POV (24th January)

"I said I'd take the kids to the park tomorrow, if the weather was okay and we could get ice cream if they tidied everything up from their rooms." Lily says whilst sorting out decorations whilst we are in the shop.

I've invited everyone round for Jacobs 6th birthday party. So we will have family, friends and all the kids round later on.

"What? Why did you say that Lily?! I don't want them having 2 days worth of sugar!" I rant back. For god sake, that's exactly what I need right now isn't it, 2 super hyper kids.

"I didn't think it would be a problem, it would get them out of your hair for an hour, whilst everything got cleared up and they'd have a nice time and be worn out when they come back... I thought it would help?" She says sounding unsure now. Good, she should be unsure. She's not their mum, she doesn't just get to decide what happens with my kids.

"Yeah well, they aren't your kids to be making that call Lily! You aren't the one that has to deal with the sugar rush afterwards are you?!"

Lily's face drops and she looks pissed. "Excuse me! I have NEVER given them sugary treats and not been there in the evenings to help deal with it! And to top that off, you were the one last weekend who had popcorn and icecream on friday, took them to the fair and gave them waffles with syrup and candy floss and then Sunday they had their ice cream sundae, like they do EVERY SUNDAY! All I was doing was swapping the sundae, for an ice cream whilst we were out! Don't tell me that I'm never around, the only time I've not been around when you've needed me, has been when I was in hospital! How dare you! And I might not be their mother but I want to do things with the kids still, just because you get pissed off sometimes doesn't mean I'm going to stop wanting those kids to be happy! I was trying to help.. next time I won't bother"

Lily walks off slowly, still in her back brace and walks out of the shop. I haven't got time for her being emotional right now. She has no right to tell me what's happening with my kids. I've got things that I do with my kids for a reason and she has no right to come in and try and change things without asking me first. 

I finish all the shopping and get back in the car. Lily isn't in the car. I get home and she's there already sorting trays and plates etc. So I set out everything I brought and get to it. The tension in the house is thick.

It's been a month since the attack on Lily and Leo is in the police system at the moment, just waiting for his trial. Nothing was taken further regarding me, because I was protecting Lil after he stormed the house, so they can't say it wasn't provoked.

They're saying he might need mental support as well, but I feel like that's more of a ploy from his lawyer to get less time inside. He knew damn well what he was doing, especially when he was fucking with Lily's head for 5 months. Don't tell me he didn't know what he was doing. This is taking manipulation to a whole new level.

Either way there's now a restraining order in place for Lily, if he's released or when he is later released.

This has taken a massive toll on both of us and the last week the kids have calmed down at the sight of her and now understand that it's just bruises. To be honest, it was scary for them to see her look like that at first, but kids don't understand how that makes Lil feel, so I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. It's all taking it's toll on us.

Luckily now her bruising is going down and the swelling has completely faded. Her stitches are out now as well.

You can still see where her cheekbone was broken and her collar bone is still bruised, but it's getting there, slowly but surely. Bit by bit the colour of her skin is returning to normal and losing the black and blue, now it's a green colour and fading.

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