Chaper 15 - Will You?

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Tom's Pov (8th Decemeber)

It's been a week since the party at Scott's and also since knowing that, I'm over just 'seeing' Lily. I want us to be together.

I want us to be a couple. She's great with the kids, she's with me most days anyway. I love having her around.

I twist my wedding band that's on my finger as I think. I look down at it. I know I shouldn't feel bad, but I do. It still feels like a betrayal of my wife to some extent, to my children.

My dad says I should take all of her stuff out of the house and take off the ring. It just doesn't feel right doing that.

This house is the house we brought together before we got married, ready to start our lives together, with a family. It feels like taking everything that's hers out of this house is wrong.  She's still the mother of my children.

I know Lily feels awkward though and I see her looking at my wedding ring sometimes too. I know I need to make this next step, I just need a push. And not the type of push my dads giving me, I need a push from someone that this is going to affect, like Lil. For Lily this would change a lot, because I know it's hard for her to be here and seeing Tara everywhere.

Yes I've taken down all the photos of her other than the 1 in each of the kids bedrooms, but everything else in the hosue still screams Tara and I know it.

I'll have to try. That's all I can do.

There's a knock at the door. I open it for Lil to come in and kiss her lips passionately. My arms move up as my hands caress up the sides of her body, she moans into the kiss wrapping her arms around my neck.

I pull her closer to me and I know she can feel how hard I am. Fuck it's like being a randy teenager again when I'm with her. With our mouths attacking one another, I groan as she pushes up against my front. Shit!

I push my hands under her shirt, against her skin for a moment, before I start to move my hands into the waistband of her jeans.


Quick as lightening we seperate, before my kids can see anything that might scar them for life. They come running round the corner just as we managed to seperate.

"Hey you two! How are my favorite munchkins today?" Lil asks them as she gives them a hug. The kids love her, so it makes it 1000X easier to let her in. That and it's a turn on watching how motherly she is.

"We okay, we going to nana and grampas today. You want to help me put my stuff in my bag?" Elenor answers.

"Oh wow! That would be fun, and yeah of course! How about you go start and I'll come up in a sec and help you both?" She says and they both nod and run off.

"They're going to Pete and Carols for today and tomorrow and they'll bring them back on Sunday, so we've got the weekend to ourselves" I say to Lily with a smile and a shrug.

"Okay, I'll go help them pack then I guess, if that's okay?" She asks me. "Yeah of course, you don't need to ask. The kids love you Lil, I hope you know that." I tell her with a smile and she smiles back before she runs up the stairs.

I want to add, "nearly as much as I love you" but I don't. It's way too early for that and I know it, but I also know that what I feel for her runs deep. When I don't see her, I feel alone and I miss her. When she's here everything is brighter, better and just seems like we can do anything.

That's why I'm currently phoning to book a table at a restaurant so that I can ask her to be my girlfriend. Because I know this is what I want. I didn't feel this strong connection with Tara, I didn't believe in a love that strong, but now that I'm with Lily I feel it and I know that it's true.

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