Chapter 21- The Knock.

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Lily's POV (25th Decemeber)

I knock on the door and wait for it to be opened.

"Hey Lil! Merry christmass!" Clara exclaims as I hug her and walk inside with a Merry Christmas back.

"Hey everyone, Merry Christmas!" I shout out loud to everyone. I look over to Tommie and he gives me a wink before carrying on talking with 'the boys'.

I go and sit with Katie and Clara and as I do, Clara gives me a knowing smile before drinking some more of her wine. She keeps looking at me like that lately and it's making me nervous.

Clara's not exactly known for being discreet about things. So whatever she thinks she knows makes me feel uneasy.

"Right, present time!" Clara calls and everyone goes to get the presents for each family. It's been tradition for years now that around Christmas time when we get together, each family gives the other families a present. It tends to be chocolates and Alcohol.

This year I decided that each family was going to get a box of all sorts inside. There's games and cards and chocolates and spinning tops as well as little bottles of alcohols I know they all like, and of course there's baby toys in there for the families with babies too. I decided to go different this year.

Espcially with spending this morning together, with Tommie and the kids, knowing I was a part of the childrens Christmas morning and not just another one of the kids. It was lovely to see them jumping on the bed at the crack of dawn so excited and ripping open all their presents. Their happy faces were beautiful to watch. I even got a couple of presents from them and Scott, as well as Scott's dad too. It was so lovely seeing Jacob and El open their presents.

We all hand the presents out to each other and all the noise from ripping open wrapping paper and chatting and the laughs and oh's and ah's as everyone sees what they've got.

"Hhahaha this is great! What a good idea Lily, thanks so much hahah. I'm going to steal this idea for family next year" Katie says as she carries on laughing at some of the ridiculous stuff inside. It's all fun stuff though.

Scott knew what was inisde as he helped me put them all together last week, so he watches as Jacob and El open it asking what some of the stuff is.

When everyone gets up to put away all their presents and the kids presents, Tom comes over to me acting casual. "see I told you it would go down well, you never believe me" he says as he bumps my hip with his, with that sexy smirk on his lips.

"Yeah well we both know what I'm like and until I see it come through, I'll worry.... even if I am the boss" I say with a laugh.

"Oh yeah? Who made you the boss?"  Tom says lifting his eyebrow at me.

"Me. You know I'm in charge these days" I say with a smug smile.

"Hahaha. Well I would argue but even my dads mentioned how you tell me to do things and I just do it and that it looks like we've been married for 10 years and I just go along with it for an easy life... well he's not wrong there" he says with a smirk and a snort after what he said.

"Uh! Oi! That's so rude! I don't make life hard for you! I just stop you from doing everything the long way round!" I say with my mouth open, what a cheeky bastard.

"Nah I'm kidding. I love it when you tell me what's happening, it's sexy as hell" he says quietly. I wack his arm and he laughs.

To anyone else we are just talking and annoying one another, we know differently.

Well, that's until I see James looking at us. James gives a knowing smile and a wink and I blush red and tell Tom I'm going to see if foods ready.

Can't Stop Wanting You. (EDITED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora