Chapter 3 - My duty

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Tom's pov (7th September)

I see her as I step into the Myer household.

"Hi Clara.... Hi Lily" I say and I see how even from behind I can see her whole body change it's stance, from being comfortable to almost like she's on high alert.

She's been the same for as long as I can remember... well as long as I've been noticing her that's for sure.

And boy have I been noticing her... even when I know I shouldn't. It's not right. I've known her a long time now, I've watched her go from a kid, into the stunning sexy woman she is today. And no I've never admitted to anyone that that's how I see her, because it's wrong. I know it's wrong to watch someone grow up and to want to fuck them.

It's a fucked up thing to think, but I've been having these thoughts for a while now... too long. I should look at her and think 'look how much she's grown up, I remember her as being just a young teenager trying her best to learn make up and wearing mix matched coloured outfits..' inncocent thoughts.

But I don't.

I think about how well she's developed. How her t-shirt stretches over her tits. How her arse in those tight jeans looks, filling the fabric up till it looks like it could burst. How she looks when she's in a bikini, when her sister holds BBQs at their house with the pool up... and how that gives me the perfect time to look at that stunning body, with toned legs that I want wrapped around me as I fuck her.

I've wanted her for so long, but I can't have her. Because it's wrong. And yeh I tried to think at first, 'there's no harm, there are loads of people together with 10 years difference, so what?'

But those people didn't watch her growing up half of her life...

I mean don't get me wrong, I wasn't lusting after a 13 year old. No way.

It was once she had started to develop into puberty properly that I caught my eyes wandering to her for a little too long, once she was about 16, nearly 17...

Her figure had come in nicely and suddenly her tits grew and she had this air of maturity about her. She was confident and knew how to show her body off in just the right way to get male attention. And boy did she get it from me.. not that I ever showed her.

I always kept it to myself, but it was there.

*3 and a half years earlier- Lily is nearly 17*

I've just given Tara the body tanning lotion yet again. As well at her glasses and her drink and then the ice. And how could I forget that she "needs a hat as well" because she "must look after her skin" .. whilst she's piling on the tanning lotion to help her to "tan", more like burn. I roll my eyes at her as I pass it over.

"Just go away Thomas, you never help" she says angrily. I sigh as I get up and walk away. She knows I hate people using my full name. She's been like this for a couple of weeks now. Being snappy and nothing I do for her is right.

I go and lounge on the outdoor seating area in Scott and Clara's back garden, where no one else is sitting. I lean back and just observe everyone.

Clara and Scott are stood chatting to James and Katie, with Henry, Ashton and Sam and all laughing together. Tara is sun bathing over on her own and the kids in the pool together, other than Harry who is on his phone inside. I think he's got a girlfriend, James said earlier.

Although he told me Harry's not too happy being with her, and that he still holds a torch for a certain Porter female (and it's not Clara) he seems to be taken in enough though to have spent the whole day so far inside talking to the new missus.

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