Chapter 22- Christmas Night.

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Tom's POV (25th December)

"Lily! Can you hear me?! Baby please wake up... please wake up.." I kiss the top of her head as she's bleeding from what seems like everywhere on her face.

Henry moves me to the side, "Tom mate, move over so I can check she's still breathing" his voice calm but firm.

Henry leans down and puts his ear next to her mouth and watches her chest. "She's still breathing, I'm going to put her into the recovery position until the ambulance can get here. Clara, are you okay?!" He calls out to where Clara is, with Scott right next to her and Henry carries on moving Lily into the recovery position.

"Yeah, I think I've broken my arm, is Lil okay?! God look at her.." Clara starts to cry and I move over to comfort her as my whole body is still shaking and a tear falls down my face. Lily's face is full of blood and you can see where the bruises are starting to form already in a dark black across her face.

If I'd come in from the kitchen when we heard the first noise, we could have stopped him. Or if we had of come out at the same time as Scott did to see what was going on. With so many people here, we just presumed someone had fallen over or something.... not this..

Scott and James are still holding down Leo as he continues to struggle and scream and swear.

I hear the faint sound of sirens coming. Clara continues to cry and Henry keeps watching Lily's breathing and checking her pulse.

"You know that little whores had that coming for some time right. She's a slag who will get anything from anyone and you know it! She WON'T leave me! She will not walk away from me, she was nothing before me!" Leo screams out to me and I lose it all over again.

I throw myself over to him and rain punches down on him again as James carries on trying and struggling to hold him down, Scott tries to pull me away just as the police and paramedics are coming in.

Suddenly I'm pushed to the ground by 2 police officers and hand cuffed.

What the fuck is going on! I hear the rest of them in the room shouting that I didn't do anything wrong and that I was helping to protect from the bastard that they were also handcuffing on the floor.

Scott starts to get in the face of the officer, whilst shouting.

"Sir, you need to calm down. We witnessed him hitting him on the floor, we will take him to the station and there, once things have calmed down, a proper judgment can be made. Until then sir, you need to sit down or you'll also be handcuffed. Another officer will come round to take your statments." an officer says to a crazy looking Scott and mad looking James.

"We are arresting you for...." I don't hear the rest of what the police officers say. I just let them do their thing as I watch Lily being helped by the paramedics with Henry helping them.

The officers pull me up and lead me out to the car and Scott shouts over to me, "don't worry man, we will get you out of this, you did nothing wrong! We will look after the kids too. We will sort it ou-" the door is slammed shut to the car and I'm taken to the police station.

They ask me all my details and my finger prints are taken and everything from my pockets taken and body searched.

I feel dead inside. I don't even know if Lily is okay. What the kids might have seen. What will happen now? I'm the last parent left that my kids have got. What will happen if I can't get out of this?

This is not how Christmas night was supposed to go! I was going to take the kids home and Lily was going to stay with us. I was going to tell her I wanted us to be open with our relationship now. I was going to show her just how much I loved her after we sat as a family and watched a Christmas film and snuggled up with hot chocolate, before the kids went to bed.

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