Chapter 13 - Now I See It.

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AN- yay I've been excited to write this one. I miss writing as Clara and Scott.


Scott's POV (1st December)

I pick up Peyton, and walk her into the bedroom to wake up my babygirl. My beautiful wife.

"Should we wake up mummy, Pey?" I ask my youngest baby, at 3 months old. She squirms in my arms getting antsy. It's nearly food time and she knows it.

It's nearly Christmas and it's freezing outside and Christmas adverts are everywhere.

We will have everyone round for Christmas, which will be a squeeze but we will manage. We always do. I love my crazy huge family, all of my babies are the best things that ever happened to me, perfectly matched by meeting Clara. And everyday, I give my thanks to those short shorts that drew my eyes to her arse.

It's crazy when I think back to the stroppy, attitude filled Clara I first met, who thought she had to take on the world by herself... and here she is now. Laying in our bed still naked from our steamy session last night, as is most nights, with her dribbling on the pillow and her hair and face smushed together. She's still beautiful. The mother of my children and my partner through life.

We have definitely made the most of every night together we can. We've not spent any time ever, with it just being me and Clara and she did have a few tears to shed, when Lily moved out, with the realisation that one day all of our babies will move out and it would just be me and her. She said that by that point she would probably divorce me realising that without the kids as distraction it was just the sex keeping us together, whilst laughing at me.

My comeback was that even at that stage, the sex would still be too good for her to think about running away, and as if I'd let her walk away anyway. I'd lock her in our bedroom until she admitted we were perfect. I then tickled her until she gave in. She kissed me telling me how much she loved me and that day I was late to go and pick up Aiden from nursery. It's not my fault she's so sexy...

"Meeh, Ahh. Ahh. Ah. Mahh.ehh" Peyton makes noises as I walk with her over to Clara and sit down on the bed next to her.

"Baby girl.... babe, you gotta get up. It's nearly 9. Your lie in voucher has expired. These princesses need feeding and I don't have the anatomy for that.

"Ughh fine... And anyway, you're the one that wore me out.." she says with a smirk as she wakes up and lifts herself up and takes Peyton from me. "Hi Pey, you driving daddy crazy?" She asks in a high pitched voice.

"No not her, it's her sister that drives me mad. Actually make that both sisters" I say shaking my head. Clara bursts out laughing. Kaylee is definitely the troublemaker of my twin girls. I have no words for Ivy.

No, Ivy isn't actually badly behaved, she just riles me up with the boys around her all time time. She knows I don't like it, but does that stop her? No, of course it doesn't....

"Daddy's silly isn't he Pey, he thinks he's going to be able to tell a 17 year old girl what to do... and it's never going to work is it? Is it bubba, huh? No it's not. Daddy forgets what he was doing with me at 16 and that at 17 I had a baby. Is daddy silly?" she says talking to me through our daughter, before looking up at me and rasing her eyebrow.

"Good luck daddy, you've got this to come from 2 more in 17 years time. Double trouble!" she says with a laugh and I groan... god. I don't think I'd cope at that age. I feel like I get heart failure with Ivy now and I'm only 35.

This is all because Ivy is now sneaking about seeing this Justin kid. I only know because I caught him in her bedroom when I came home from work early one day. Fully clothed but still. I slung him out on his arse pretty quick, but Ivy has now made it her personal mission to drive me into an early grave. She goes out all night staying with him, goes to parties with this kid and I had it shouted at me over a month ago in front of Clara's family that she was "still a virgin", which for most fathers would be way too much information, but I was happy to hear it.

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