Chapter 6 - Replaceable.

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Lily's pov (17th september)

Ring! Ring! Ring! I pick up my phone and look at who's calling me.

Ugh... Leo. I can't avoid him forever. "Hi" I say with a croaky voice as I answer the phone. Uh, I had one too many wines for Clara's birthday last night. My head bangs.

"Hey baby, how about tonight, you and me at The Carter. A nice dinner, we can spend some time together for the evening, I won't take no for an answer" he says on the other end of the line sounding way too happy for this early in the morning. It's 8:04 AM... on a Saturday..

"Erm I don't know, my dad wanted me to go and see him and mum tonight. They said they wanted to see me" I tell him. It's not a lie because dad did say he wanted to see me soon when we spoke last night, but he didn't say specifically tonight...

I know I have to see him, but I just don't want to. Especially since last week and my emotional moment at Clara and Scotts. All I can think about was being in Toms arms. That was back to normal, that was my Tommy I was with.

I went home that night and I couldn't stop thinking about it, about him and how he felt pressed against me. How his muscles felt as he moved. When he kissed the top of my head. And just how much I want that kiss next time to be on my lips instead.

And here I am now avoiding my boyfriend at all costs...

"For fucks sake. You know what Lily when you're ready to talk to me and actually see me for once, then give me a call cause I'm not bothering anymore if you're just gunna shut me down every fuckin time. I'm sick of you!" he shuts the phone off immeditately, and as much as I should feel bad, I don't. I don't feel anything. This isn't the first time he's gotten annoyed with me..

I put my phone down and sigh a big sigh. What do I do? I can't keep this up with Leo, but he was supposed to be my distraction from Tom.

Great job that's working out to be!

I roll over and try to sleep again, it's too early for this shit.

When I wake up again it's 10:35. I roll out of bed and go into the kitchen to make a tea. Lacey isn't awake yet, she doesn't wake up till about half 11 on the weekend.

I sit with my tea in front of me scrolling through facebook. 2 minutes later and I get a message on facebook messenger, "hey, you wanna go out tonight? Lacey said about the group going out this weekend and I'm down if you are? Everyone will be there."

It's from Harry. Of course he will go if I'm going. He thinks I'm stupid, I know he likes me and he tries to make out like he doesn't. He's liked me for years and I've always made sure he's aware that he's one of my closest friends, but nothing more. I'm more likely to go for his dad James than I am him, not that he isn't attractive, no he's got it going on, he's just not my cup of tea.. 

Maybe I could say yes and invite Leo, so I don't have to spend time one on one with him, but he's still involved... I know I need to see him and I really don't want to miss seeing all my friends. I've missed them all being together.

I'll just tell him dad cancelled, it's not as if my dad doesn't cancel on me all the time, so it's not that far out that he would do the same today...

"Okay sure, I'll speak to Leo see if he's up for it as well. See you later on, should we say 8? at Lordes?" Lordes the local youthful pub, is the obvious place where we always go if we are staying local or if we are meeting up to go into London for the night.

"Yeah okay, see you there. I'll let the rest of the group know xxx" my reply back is short. "Sweet, thank you Harry xx"

Lacey walks into the kitchen then, looking like she's been dragged through a hedge backwards. She didn't get in till about half 5 this morning, it's now 2 minutes to 11. She must be feeling awful still.

Can't Stop Wanting You. (EDITED)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum