Chapter 7 - Night Out.

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Lily's pov (17th September)

I'm dressed and ready, in a dark blue tight fitting dress that shows off my curves. I've got curves in all the right places, so why wouldn't I show them off? I mean, in my teenage years I hated it, having curves that none of the other girls had, and being 2 sizes bigger than they were. Them in size 8 jeans and me in size 12 because of my arse being bigger, with the waist of my jeans always needing to be taken in.

Now however the tables have turned, men love those curves. My thin waist, decent breasts and an ass to die for. I get attention, that's for sure. Unfortunately not attention from the man I want it from...

I'm standing in the pub, the DJ playing the tunes that always get any generation of people up dancing.

I order another double vodka lemonade, whilst I wait. I've been here for 20 minutes and it's bang on 8 PM now. Where are they all?

I get my phone out and message Katie, it's her 37th birthday today. I press send and look around, they still are no where to be seen.

Ah sod this! Lacey's right I need to enjoy myself. I turn back around and flag down Lennon, the barman. He's fancied me since I started coming in here, he's 2 years older than me and also not my type. "Hey you. Might I say that you are looking sexy as hell in that outfit, how does your boyfriend let you out of the bedroom?" He says with a cheeky smirk on his face.

"He gets what he needs, there's no danger of that" I say back with a laugh.

Lennon laughs back, "well what can I get for you Lil?" He goes over to the glasses still looking at me. "Can you make my favorite please, Old Fashioned?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. He nods and selects the right glass, before making my favorite cocktail.

"You know you're the only person I've ever had ask me to make that drink" he tells me as he pours and mixes.

"Aren't you lucky" I say with a wink as he passes me my drink "that's £9.50 please hun" and I tap my card on the machine and walk away to find a table. Standing tables left only, means I'm stuck in the middle of the room stood in these heels that are already a bad idea.

Just then I see Lacey come in with Harry, Spencer, Marie, Paige, Ronnie, Ellie and Lottie,who are all dressed up to the nines as well.

They must have all been outside while the smokers finished. Spencer, Marie, paige and Ellie always smoke and Lacey and Harry socially smoke. I've never understood social smoking.. if you don't want to smoke, then don't, surely?

That leaves me, Ronnie and Lottie standing with the smokers freezing cold for no reason most of the time. Hey ho. Sometimes it's nice to get some fresh air though if you're in a club.

"Heyyyyy!!!!" I shout as I run to them and hug each one. We talk for about an hour catching up on what's been going on in our lives the last few months, whilst we drink and eventually finish up before we move our way out of the pub and towards the train station down the road. It's not many stops to St Pancras station, only about 20 minutes. We've got our drinks to hand whilst we sit on the train platform all talking.

Suddenly I feel someone's arms around me and a cold shiver runs down my back, turning quickly to see who it is and it's Leo smiling down at me, "hey baby, I wanted to see you. You look so sexy right now" he says as he leans down to kiss me. I move my lips to the side ever so slightly, so he gets the edge of my lips and my cheek.

He gives me a stoney eyed look, and in a flash it's gone and the charmer is back. "Hey everyone, hope you're all doing okay. I hear it's been a while since you've all met up?" Leo asks the group.

They won't know it, but he's checking to make sure what I said was true. I've noticed it the last 3 months, when I say something, he subtly checks. The alcohol that had been beginning to make it's mark on me 5 minutes ago with the beginning of a buzz, no longer holds it's effect. I'm back to being stone cold sober again.

Can't Stop Wanting You. (EDITED)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя