𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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"passengers that are boarding the flight 277 form New York, New York to Minneapolis Minnesota, you may board now!" A flight attendant announced.

by the amount of people waiting for the flight, there wasn't many.

the three of us walked up and scanned out tickets, and started to walk on into the plane.

mrs. banks had told us that the plane had a middle row with three seats, which just so happed that we had to we could all sit together because lord knows that it would be my luck to sit by a creepy dude.

"alright ill sit in an end, adam you can sit in the middle and kylie you can sit in the other side of adam! is that alright?" she asks as we step onto the plane.

"yes ma'am" adam and i say at the same time.

"okay perfect!" she says as we all reach our seats, and take a seat.

"good morning folks today we will be visiting warm minneapolis minnesota! i hope you enjoy your ride with us on this fine early morning!" the pilot says as he makes it into the runway.

as soon as we were up in the air, most of the lights were turned off because it was early in the morning, so people wanted to sleep.

"are you doing to watch a movie in that thing?" i ask adam while i point to the screen on the back of the chair that was in front of him.

"hmm probably not, i might want to get some sleep." he says while turning to his mom, which she was already fast asleep.

"come here baby" adam says while lifting the arm of the chair that separated them and pulled a blanket onto his lap.

i place my head on his lap and close my eyes.

"sweet dreams ky" adam says, which makes me instantly get butterfly's which makes me smile.


"guys, wake up! we are here" i hear someone whisper to us.

i didn't get up or move till adam decided to.

"what mom? what is it?" adam asks his mom, with a tired look on his face

"we are here!" she says.

i quickly lift my head off of adams lap and smile at the two. i turn around to look at the cabin to find that it's almost empty.

"we should probably go before they think everyone is off, and they move the plane while we are still on it" i say while laughing.

"she's right, come on adam and stop being a baby" adams mom says while rolling her eyes playfully.

"yeah adam stop being a baby!" i say while pinching his cheeks.

"you will pay for that one, scott" he says with a mischievous grin on his face.

"bye bye now!" i say while getting up and walking after adams mom.

"of to get our bags" she says, while leading us three to the baggage claim.

"im hungry" i say as we all grab our bags and walk out of the airport.

"we can stop somewhere to get food" mrs. banks says with a smile.

"i wanna go somewhere where they have breakfast food" adam says with a smirk, he knew exactly what i was thinking.

"alright, get in the car and i will find a place close go home so we can stop there, then go home and sleep" mrs. banks says while turning on the car.


"i would like eggs, sausage and toast please! oh and also with an orange juice" i order while handing the lady my menu.

there was no traffic on the road, thank god, but who would really be on the road for i reason so early in the morning.

after we all ordered, we just stayed quite.

for me it was because when i was really drained or tired, i didn't want to do anything besides sleep.

when all the food came, we at it up fast, i think that could have been the fastest ive ever eaten my food.

"as soon as y'all get home, y'all can take quick showers then hop back in bed. all three of us are tired so we need to rest, and when i wake up and see that you are both still sleeping then ill let y'all sleep in" mrs. banks says while grabbing the bill.

"mrs. banks! i have my money!" i say while trying to grab the receipt.

"no no no dear, it's on me! put your money away and use it for more fun things! ive got it covered" she says with a smile.

i slip my debit card back into my wallet and close it back up, i stand up and follow the two out of the little restaurant and to the car.

"i dont know how people would be able to run a radio station this early in the morning it's not even three o'clock because of the time change" i say while listening to the guy on the station talk

"i agree, i would fall asleep on the job" adam says with a chuck, as the car stops.

"just leave all the bags in here and we will get them in the morning! go upstairs and take a fast shower and hop in bed!" mrs. banks orders.

"also kylie, i don't have your room tidied up so you can just lay in adams bed, no funny business you to" she says while pointing her finger at us, which makes me go bright red"

"i- um- we werent-" i stutter but before i could make a word, adam pulls me into the house and upstairs.

"you can shower in mine and ill shower down the hall, bet i can't shower fast!" adam says while running out of the room and to the other bathroom.

i quickly take a shower and change, but to my surprise adam beat me and he was already under his covers waiting for me.

"beat you" he says with a smirk.

"whatever, you knew that i was going to lose anyways" i say while rolling my eyes and walking over to the bed.

"aww don't be sad that you lost, come here" he says in a mocking tone.

"im not sad" i say while rolling my eyes again, and getting under the covers, propping my head on his chest

"you know if you keep rolling your eyes, they're going to get stuck like that" he says while laughing under his breath.

"I feel like we've gone over this before" i say with a smile, as i drift off to sleep.


1096 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬
𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐝3 😏

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