𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐲 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞

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"are you okay kylie?" some of the guys asks me as i get into the locker room.

"fuck all of you, if you wouldn't have done that stupid prank on them on there first game we wouldn't even be here right now." i yell at them.

i walk off and go to the showers, since i have to get ready in the locker room.

i take off all my clothes when i get into the shower, all the guys knew not to go in there yet because of the mood i was in, and we made a rule where i could shower first.

i quickly shampoo and use conditioner in my hair, then wash my body with vanilla body wash.

after i wash my body i rinse out the conditioner and then grab my towel and change into the pjs i had on before, because i wanted to do my hair and makeup before putting on my dress.

i walk back out to see all the guys sitting on there benches, waiting for me to be done.

"y'all can go take showers now." i say while sitting down on my bench.

the cool thing about my locker is, i have a empty locker in front of my locker so i use that as a vanity sometimes if we have morning practice.

it has a mirror then all kinds of my makeup.

i quickly put on my makeup, doing just natural kind of makeup because im not in the mood, then i blow dry my hair.

that's the nice thing about having naturally straight hair, i dont have to do anything to it when i don't want to.

i put on some red lipstick that match my pointed heels.

i stand up and walk over to my locker where i hung up my dress, so it wouldn't get wrinkled, and i slip it over my head.

it was a black mini dress, but not to short where my ass was hanging out.

i grab my shoes and slip those on as well, with my earrings and necklace.

by the time i was done all the guys were out of the showers and dressed, some still doing there hair.

"it looks like your going to the country club" someone tried to joke, trying to lighten the mood in the room.

"yeah, i was taught at a young age to always dress nicely." i say while trying to sound a little less mad.

"are you ready?" adam asks me, walking over to me in his slacks and a button up shirt, with nice dress shoes.

"yes" i say as we walk out of the locker room.

"you do dress nice to" i say while motioning towards his outfit.

"got to match my girlfriend" he says with a smile.

"since we have about thirty minutes till school starts, wanna go out our backpacks in the lockers then you can go find kaylee?" he asks me.

"sure that sounds good" i say as we walk through the some what empty halls, only having a few people in there here and there.

𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠 | adam banksOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora