Chapter 11: "Soon it will be too late."

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As I closed the door to the condo, I leaned up against it, my breathing slowing. Wow! That was... amazing! If the phone hadn't ring and Jackson's company hadn't called him away, I'm not sure where it would have gone. I thought about everything that had happened throughout the day and I couldn't be happier. When I was in his arms, everything seemed right. Jackson's lips on mine felt like nothing else I had ever had in my life.

I shook my head to clear my head then slipped off my shoes. I headed into the kitchen to raid the fridge, pulling out last night leftovers. We had spent more time at the aquarium than I had thought. It was so much fun and Jackson was so funny. He made me laugh constantly with his childlike enthusiasm, his cute giggle, and his really bad jokes. I had more fun with him today than I had in a long time.

After scooping some of the steak and rice onto a plate, I popped it into the microwave, setting the timer. I went into my room and change out of my jeans, putting on a pair of comfortable black yoga pants. I shrugged off my jacket, hanging it back in the closet then dropped the rest of my clothes in the hamper.

I heard the microwave ding and headed back into the kitchen for my dinner. I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, silverware from a drawer, and my plate from the microwave. I took everything back into the living room, setting it on the coffee table. I turned the television on and stopped on a movie that I had seen a while back that was just beginning. After I finished my dinner, I brought the plate into the kitchen, rinsing it off and sticking it in the dishwasher.

I sat back down on the sofa and turned my attention back to the movie, focusing on the plot. After the movie was finished, I opened my computer and tried to focus on my paper about the incubus. After over an hour of trying to work, I gave up. My mind was filled with thoughts of Jackson and everything that had happened that day, especially the time in his car. He was so sexy and such a good kisser. The feel of his hands on me had caused a strange sensation in my stomach. I had wanted him to come inside with me and see where things would go. The idea of intimacy with Jackson made my stomach clench and I could feel the moisture gathering in my panties.

I closed the computer and stacked up all my papers. I took a quick look at my phone and realized it was already close to 10. I must have been working longer than I had originally thought. I headed into my bedroom with thoughts of Jackson filling my mind. I stripped out of my yoga pants and climbed into my bed after switching off the lights.

I slid my hand into my panties and could feel the wetness at my slit. I ran a finger up it before circling around my clit. The sensitive nub was throbbing from the thoughts of the beautiful man that had been touching me in his car. I remembered the feeling of Jackson's warm hands on my skin. I rubbed my clit, thinking of the deep groan that came out of Jackson's mouth when he filled his hand with my breast. I slipped my other hand under my shirt, stroking my pebbled nipple, pretending it was Jackson's hand on me. Rubbing my clit faster, I let Jackson's name out in a soft moan as I could feel my core start to tighten.

I closed my eyes and opened them to see a dark figure above me. The clouds had moved in front of the moon, throwing the room into blackness. "Such a naughty girl, princess," he said, replacing my hand with his own, his voice oddly familiar. "How dare you touch yourself and think of another man? You should only be thinking of me."

I wanted to scream out but I couldn't make a sound. The clouds moved and the room filled with pale light. The silver haired man was above me, his lips drawn into an angry smirk as he pulled his fingers away from me. He slipped one into his mouth, closing his eyes. "So good princess, but it should only be for me," he said, leaning down and kissing my lips. He let out an angry growl. "Kiss me back," he demanded, bringing his lips back to mine. I felt the paralyzing weight lift from me and I couldn't help but move my lips against his own. He let out a deep groan before pulling away then pressing close again. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and I let out a silent moan, as I could taste myself in his mouth.

He pulled back from me again and stood. I could hear the swish of his zipper and the clang of his belt coming undone. Within seconds, he was back over me, stripping me from my wet panties. He held them to his nose, breathing in the scent. "So sweet, but still such a bad girl," he said, his voice angry as he dropped them to the floor next to the bed. He buried his face in my hair, nuzzling my neck. "Why do you smell so good to me? I don't want this but I can't help it. I can't keep away from you," he said, his obvious frustration filling his words.

He kissed me again, groaning as I moved my lips against his. I couldn't have resisted even if I tried. As much as I wanted to pull away, it was as though I was being pulled into him. As his tongue slipped in my mouth, he slipped his thick erection into me, making me pull away from his lips. He thrusted slowly into me, burying his face in my neck again. The tightening in my core came quickly and his thrusts sped up. "Oh princess. You're making it so hard for me to go slow. Oh this feels so good, so perfect. Your body is made for me. For me and no one else," he breathed out, his words harsh and demanding. "Do you hear me?"

As my body started to tighten around him, he slammed into me one final time and I could feel the heat of his release filling me, lengthening out my own orgasm. He collapsed on top of me, kissing my neck. "Princess, what am I going to do with you?" The last thing I heard as I closed my eyes again was his sweet words. "Sleep well my princess. Dream of me."

I jerked awake, my mind filled with thoughts of the silver haired man. My silk panties were soaked but still in place so I knew it was only a dream. Why was I dreaming of this man? Who was he? What was happening to me?

Jimin POV:

As I reappeared in my bedroom, my mind filled with panic. What was going on? I didn't want her, but I couldn't stay away from her. I had been standing on the other side of the street as she made out with that bastard in his car. I wanted to rip her from his arms and take her somewhere far where he could never touch her again.

I had tried visiting three women over the last three nights, but each time the pain came back, worse than each time previous. No matter how hard I tried, I could not find my release without her.

I stood in front of the mirror in my bathroom, glaring at my reflection. My hair was mussed, my eyes looked wild, and my lips were swollen from the kisses we had shared. I felt my pants tighten at the thought of her lips on mine again. She hadn't resisted my kisses, but returned them with full force, making me crazy and yearn for her even more. I slammed my fist into the mirror, shattering it into a thousands shards. I watched the blood run down my knuckles for a moment before the wound healed itself. The blood dripped into the sink, staining it a dark red. I rinsed off my hand as Namjoon came into the bathroom.

Namjoon looked at the shattered mirror and the glass in the sink. He didn't say a word, but I could tell what he was thinking. "Just say it, Joon," I bit out. "Say it. Say 'I told you so.' Just get it over with."

Namjoon shook his head. "That's not what I want to say," he said gently. "Why don't you tell me what's going on?"

I hung my head, leaning with my hands on the marble countertop. "I can't stay away from here. I saw that bastard kiss her and I wanted to tear him limb from limb," I said, my voice filled with rage. "I can't stay away no matter how hard I've tried. What is happening to me?"

Namjoon patted my shoulder. "Your soul is calling for her. You may not want it, but your soul wants otherwise," he said, meeting my eyes in the shattered mirror, turning his reflection into a kaleidoscope. "Pull away from her if you want, but it's going to get harder."

I snorted out a laugh at his words. "How is it going to get harder than this?" I asked, shaking his hand off.

Namjoon gave me a sad smile and his next words made my heart shatter and my soul drop. "She's falling in love with him. Soon it will be too late."

No More Dream: Book 1 of the Mythical Beings Soulmate Series (Jimin X Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat