Chapter 1: "Now we wait."

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This is ridiculous I said to myself as I shut the cover on the heavy book I was currently reading. None of this stuff is true. My college professor was out of his mind. In our literature class, we had been assigned to research a mythical being and write a research report on them. Although I loved the class and respected the professor, I just wished he had assigned us something that was a little more realistic. I felt like a middle school student right now, sitting at the table in the library surrounded by books on mythical beings.

I pulled another book towards me. Hmmm I don't remember picking this one up. It was much older than the others, with an old leather cover and ornate gold details. Mystical Figures: From Nightmares to Reality was written on the front in beautiful gold calligraphy. When I opened the cover, I noticed the author's name was mostly faded from age and from the copyright date inside the cover, the book was written in the early 1600s. I was shocked to find a book that old and in the regular circulation. It seemed like it should be something that would be kept under lock and key in the library archives.

I flipped through the chapters, looking for any information on the being I had been assigned. After flipping through a hundred pages, I caught a glimpse of the information I was looking for: the incubus. From all the information I had researched already, an incubus was a demon of sorts. He would prey on innocent women during their sleep, gaining energy through acts of intimacy. The incubus would never visit the same woman twice – a man whore in other words. This particular book contained testimonies of women who had supposedly been visited by an incubus. As I read through the testimonies, I noticed they were always the same. The women woke up weak with hazy memories of the night before. The women recalled it as the best nights of their lives. They experienced insurmountable pleasure before fainting. The energy drained was simply too much for their fragile bodies to handle. They didn't remember what the man had looked like, except that he was undeniably handsome.

I scoffed to myself as I read through the information. These women could not be for real. This was simply a story that was being told – a way for women to justify having a one-night stand. I wasn't judging them for their decisions, but I was judging them for using a fairytale of sorts to clear their names. I closed the cover of the book and set it aside. Although I didn't believe anything I had read, it was worth taking another look at. I looked at my watch and noticed the time. I packed up my stuff then picked up a couple books that had looked helpful when I scanned them. I tucked the books under my arm and headed to the circulation desk. As I approached, the man standing at the desk looked up at me. He was extremely handsome, with full lips and blond hair that fell over his forehead. He was tall, at least several inches taller than my own diminutive height. His long legs were covered with dark dress pants and he wore a black silk shirt that had a subdued red pattern with the top couple buttons undone. As many times as I had visited the library, I had never seen this man before. He smiled as I placed my books on the desk.

"Did you find everything okay?" he asked politely.

"Ummm... y-yes," I stammered then mentally slapped my own cheek for the awkwardness.

His already charming smile grew even bigger at my words. "So glad that you were able to find us helpful this evening," he said sweetly. He quickly scanned my books then placed them back on the counter, his long fingered hand lingering on top of the old book with the gold designs.

"Is it okay to check this one out?" I asked, pointing to the book. "It seems really old."

The man smiled. "Of course. We only lend that one to special people, so don't worry," he explained.

As I was picking up the books, I looked around the vacant library. "Is Ms. Rein gone for the night?" I asked, referring to the older woman who usually worked the circulation desk.

The smile dropped briefly from the man's handsome face before spreading across it again, just as bright as before. He looked toward the small office behind the desk. "She is currently occupied with some other... business," he said, shrugging his broad shoulders.

I nodded in understanding. "Well thank you very much for your assistance," I said as I turned to leave.

"Anytime. Have a wonderful evening and I look forward to seeing you very soon," he said.

I gave him a smile in response and exited the library, pausing for a moment to take in the view. The earlier blazing sun was dropping beneath the horizon, the sky exploding into a fiery expanse of colors. The sunsets of late summer were some of my favorite ones. The colors that burst across the sky appeared to be created by the long brush strokes of a talented painter.

I was digging into my overstuffed bag for my keys, when I could feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. I checked the caller ID and answered it with a smile. "Hey Jackson! What's going on?" I greeted my best friend.

"Are you still at the library?" he asked from the other end of the line.

"No. I'm heading to my car right now. Why do you ask?" I questioned.

"Just wondering if you want to grab dinner tonight?" Jackson asked.

My heart sped up at the thought. Yes Jackson was my closest friend since we met at the university a few years ago. However, over the last several months, I had developed a tiny, and by tiny I mean huge, crush on him. "Sure. What time you thinking?" I asked, trying not to sound too excited.

"How about I pick you up at 7?" he asked. "There's something I want to talk to you about."

My forehead creased in worry. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. Everything is great. At least I hope it is," he said.

"Okay sure. I'll see you soon then," I replied. I ended the call and climbed into my car. I placed the books on the passenger seat and started the car. As I pulled away from the library, my mind was consumed with thoughts of Jackson and all thoughts of the handsome man inside the library had disappeared.


I stood at the glass doors to the library and watched the beautiful woman exiting the parking lot. I flipped the OPEN sign to CLOSE then walked behind the circulation desk and into the small office behind it. An older woman with her silver hair in a tight bun was seated at the desk, a vacant expression in her faded blue eyes.

I looked at the dark haired man sitting in a chair in front of the desk. "Is she okay?" I asked.

The dark haired man turned his large doe eyes to me. "She's fine. She's just a little dazed at the moment. She'll come out of it in the next 30 minutes or so," he said, a smirk on his face.

I raised an eyebrow at him then shrugged. Although he was the youngest of us all, his powers of persuasion could not be outdone by anyone else. The woman would not remember him appearing out of thin air in her office. He had merely put her in a trance so I could complete my task.

"Did the girl take the book?" the dark haired man asked.

I nodded. "She did," I said simply.

"Do you think he's going to be mad?" he asked, a touch of worry in his voice for the first time since this all began.

I shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. I hope not. We had to do something. She is his soulmate," I said in response.

"What do we do now?" the dark haired man asked.

"Now...," I hesitated beforespeaking. "Now we wait."

No More Dream: Book 1 of the Mythical Beings Soulmate Series (Jimin X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now