Chapter 24: "My soulmate was finally where she belonged. In my arms."

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After classes that afternoon, I sat in my condo, thinking about the events that had transpired that day. I had asked Jackson to meet me after class and broke things off with him. As much as I cared for Jackson, I knew my heart wasn't in it. My heart belonged to someone else. I didn't even understand how fast it happened, but all I knew was that I was in love with Jimin. I think part of me loved him from the beginning, from the first night he showed up in my room.

Jackson was kind and gracious as I spoke. I told him that I cared deeply for him, but my feelings for him were as a friend only. Part of me knew that the reasons behind the lack of feelings for Jackson were because of the bond with Jimin, a bond I didn't really understand. Could I have fallen in love with Jackson? Absolutely over time, but my heart called for Jimin. It called for every part of him. His love, his heart, his body, his soul. I wanted all of him and I wanted him to want me just as badly.

The part that got to me the most was the conversation with Jungkook. He had explained that if Jimin rejected me, the soulmate bond would disappear and my soul would be connected to another. I was confused on why Jimin really didn't want the bond to be severed because let's face it: he's an incubus. His whole existence is using women for his pleasure. Why would he want to settle with one woman when he could have rejected me? My mind was so muddled with everything that I didn't know what to think. Part of me was worried that Jimin would eventually change his mind and I would be alone, but the larger, louder part tried to convince me this was real.

I was pulled from my thoughts by a soft knock at my door. I stood and pulled the door open, surprised to see the man on the other side.

Jimin ran a nervous hand through his silver locks. "Hey Y/N," he said softly, his smile hesitant.

I pulled the door open all the way. "Come on in," I replied. As he stepped past me and I closed the door, I couldn't help but reach out for him. I placed a hand on his arm, stopping him. Jimin turned to me, his eyes expectant. "I'm... I'm glad you're here. I...I wanted to talk to you." I noticed the way his eyes saddened with my words.

Jimin nodded and I gestured towards the sofa. I sat down next to him, not sure how to begin the conversation, but I needed him to answer some things first. "Why... why didn't you reject me when you had the chance?"

Jimin sighed and ran a hand down his face. "Believe me. I wanted to. I... I hated the idea of having a soulmate. I didn't understand why this was happening to me," he answered truthfully.

My heart began to race a little in panic at his words. I tried to calm it by thinking of what he said yesterday, that he had fallen in love with me. I tried to think of the pleas in his voice as he begged me not to leave him.

"I don't even know when it changed. One day, I was cursing whoever had put this upon me, but the next day I was hating the idea of you being with anyone else. I wanted you to be mine and only mine. I couldn't stand the idea of you being with anyone else. When Jungkook... when Jungkook told me of his soul recognizing you and accepting you, I lost it. I was so terrified by the idea of losing you that I completely lost it. The only thing that mattered from that point on was making sure that you would be with me," Jimin explained, his eyes soft and his voice quiet.

"How did you know it was me?" I asked. I still had so many questions and needed them answered. "How did you know where to find me?"

Jimin pointed to the book on my table, the one with the gold lettering. "That book right there. The scroll that tells me you're my soulmate appeared in the book and drew me to you. I guess it's like a homing beacon," he said, his voice dry.

No More Dream: Book 1 of the Mythical Beings Soulmate Series (Jimin X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now