Chapter 4: "It will be okay."

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I went to bed that night and my dreams were filled with images of the silver haired man with the changing eyes and the plush lips. I knew I had never seen him before. I thought back to the folded paper I found in the library and the handsome man who had checked out the books. He seemed familiar with the book. I stuck the book in my bag and made plans to head back to the library after class to speak with the man about the book.

I went to my first two classes then headed to the library during my break. Ms. Rein was standing behind the circulation desk, checking in books that had been returned. She looked up as I approached.

"Hey Y/N," she said with a smile. "How can I help you today dear?"

"Um... I was wondering about the man who helped me the other evening. The handsome man with the blond hair?" I said.

Ms. Rein gave me a confused look. "Blond hair? We don't have anyone here that looks like that. And definitely not handsome," she said.

I shook my head. "I checked out several books the other night and he was the one who scanned my books," I explained.

Ms. Rein gave me a hesitant smile. "I'm sure you're mistaken dear. There is no one here with that description."

I pulled the book from my bag and handed it to Ms. Rein. "Can you at least tell me about this book?" I asked.

Ms. Rein looked at the book and shook her head. "That's a beautiful book, but it's not one of ours," she said. She opened the book to the inside back cover. "Our books have a barcode right here," she said, pointing to a spot on the book. She handed me the book.

I took the book, filled with confusion. I know I had picked it up here. It was on the table with my books. The blond man scanned the book, didn't he?

Ms. Rein patted my hand. "You're working too hard dear. Make sure you're getting good rest," she said.

I nodded my head, my mind filled with questions and exited the library. If the man didn't work at the library, where the hell did he come from?

I was deep in thought when I bumped into a solid frame. What was up with me running into people lately? I looked up and my heart stopped at the sight of the handsome man I had bumped into. He had an arm around my waist, preventing me from falling and I had a hand pressed to his solid chest. His round doe eyes, adorable smile, and sweet face were in direct contrast to the hard muscles I could feel underneath my hands.

"Are you going to stare at me all day?" he asked, his voice soft but a smirk on his face.

I pulled away quickly, apologizing repeatedly.

"It's okay," he said. "The day I get mad for a pretty girl staring at me is the day I quit being a man."

I giggled at his words, my face flushing in embarrassment. "I am really sorry," I said quickly, before turning away from him.

He stopped me with a hand to my wrist. "What's your name pretty girl?" he asked.

I hesitated before replying. "Y/N. My name is Y/N," I said softly.

"I'm Jungkook," he said, the cute smile brightening. "Maybe we'll bump into each other again soon."

I blushed and hurried away from him, still embarrassed at the interaction.


I was coming into the room when a man with round eyes stopped me. "How'd it go today, Jungkook? I asked.

Jungkook smiled. "It went exactly as planned. I stalled her long enough to keep her away from that guy. By the time she left me, he was already gone."

I nodded in approval. "Good work today," I said. "Hopefully things will start to fall into place soon. If he finds out too soon, it will not end well for any of us, including her."

Jungkook nodded sadly. "I like her. She seems sweet. I don't want anything to happen to her," he said softly. I patted his shoulder. "If things work out like they should, she will be just fine," I said comfortingly.

Jungkook smiled slightly. "Please make sure of that Jin," he replied.

I smiled back. "No worries. It will be okay."

No More Dream: Book 1 of the Mythical Beings Soulmate Series (Jimin X Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu