Chapter 21: "...a certain doe eyed, dark haired brother was noticeably missing."

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After classes that afternoon I headed back to my condo. I was disappointed since I hadn't seen Jungkook all day. I couldn't deny the pull I had to him, but I didn't understand what it was. I pushed the thought out of my mind and tried to focus on the date I would be having with Jackson. He and I had agreed to go to dinner and just catch up with everything since we hadn't been able to spend a lot of time together lately. He had said he would pick me up at 7:00.

By the time I had arrived to my condo, it was already 4:30. As soon as I walked in, I went into the bathroom and started the shower, wanting to wash my hair before my date with Jackson. I was getting ready to strip down when I heard a soft knock on my door. I didn't know who it would be but went to the door anyway.

When I opened it, my mouth dropped in shock to see the man on the other side. He ran a hand through his silver hair. "What are you doing here Jimin?" I asked harshly, not wanting to give into him at all.

Jimin cast his eyes down to the ground before directing the stormy grey gaze back to me. "Can... can I come in?" he asked softly, such a contrast to the other times I had seen him.

I sighed and pulled the door open, gesturing him in. He thanked me with a nod and entered the room. He looked around and I could see the small smile on his face. I waved a hand towards the sofa and he sat on the edge, looking decidedly nervous. I sat on the chair across from him and noticed his smile drop at my distance.

"How did you know where I lived?" I asked, the question popping into my mind first.

Jimin sighed. "Um... I don't know how to explain that," he explained. "But you wanted to know what is going on? I came to tell you."

I raised an eyebrow at his vague response, but motioned for him to continue. Just this morning, he was telling me he couldn't. Now I wasn't sure if he couldn't or didn't want to. I wondered what had changed since this morning. "Okay," I said, not giving anything away.

"I'm... I'm not sure how much Jungkook told you about us, but we're... we're not exactly what we appear to be. Jungkook is a siren. And I'm... I'm an incubus," Jimin said, his voice soft.

I rolled my eyes, my brain not wanting to believe him but knowing in my heart he was telling me the truth. "You expect me to believe this?" I scoffed.

Jimin caught my gaze and took a deep breath. "I know you do. Even if you don't want to believe me, you do. There is something pulling you to me and deep down you know it's true," he argued, his stormy eyes flashing.

"That doesn't explain why you're here. Why do I keep seeing you in my dreams?" I retorted.

Jimin's eyes dropped to the ground. "Did Jungkook tell you about the scroll?" he asked and I nodded in confirmation. "That scroll... that scroll tells us that we have a soulmate. That I have a soulmate."

"How does an incubus have a soulmate?" I asked. "Don't you have sex with different women every night?" Just asking the question made a sick feeling come over me. I didn't want to admit it, but it could only be described as jealousy. Jealousy at the realization that other women had experienced what I did, his hard length and the power behind his thrusts.

Jimin ran a frustrated hand through his hair, tugging on the silver locks. "Yes, but that all changed when the scroll was found. I couldn't find pleasure in another woman's body. I was in pain if I tried," Jimin replied, his voice filled with irritation.

"Well this sounds like a bummer for you but what does it have to do with me?" I questioned. "Why are you showing up in my dreams?"

"Don't you see? You. You're my soulmate," Jimin said carefully, standing up and approaching me, his eyes soft.

I shook my head in denial and jumped to my feet. "No. No. This can't be true," I retorted.

Jimin sighed and ran a hand down his face. I could see the anger he was trying to keep in check boiling just beneath the surface. "Do you think I wanted this? I'm an incubus. Do you really think I wanted to be tied down to one woman for the rest of eternity?" he countered. His eyes widened in shock when he realized what he said. "Y/N I'm..."

I cut him off with a slash of my hand. As much as I didn't want to admit it, his words had shattered me. "Get out. Just leave. You don't want me? Then go," I said, my voice broken and my eyes filling with tears.

Jimin POV:

My heart broke at the look of absolute devastation on her face. It pained me so bad that I had hurt my beautiful soulmate. That I had caused that look of despair on her face. I had hurt the woman I loved and I didn't know if there was any coming back from it. "Y/N please..." I begged, reaching out for her. My heart broke even further when she flinched away from me, refusing to let me touch her or even give her comfort. Comfort she needed. Comfort I needed.

"Just get out," she said, her voice stronger, but the tears still streaming down her cheeks.

There was no way of coming back from this. "Please princess. I'm... I'm so sorry." But my pleas were falling on deaf ears. Y/N refused to even look at me and I knew that I lost her. I did what I had wanted from the beginning but feared at the end. This could very well be it for us.

Not wanting to cause her further pain, I left the condo, closing the door silently behind me. As soon as I knew I was alone, I disappeared, reappearing in the living room of the house I shared with my brothers.

I collapsed to my knees, dropping my head to the floor and finally releasing the sobs I had been holding back in a wail. Jin came rushing into the room and dropped down next to me, pulling me into his arms. "What happened Jimin?" he asked, his voice soothing.

"I... I went to visit Y/N. I tried to tell her everything," I stammered. "She didn't want to believe me. Questioned on how I would even have a soulmate being what I am. I... I told her I didn't even want one. That I never wanted to be tied to one woman." As I repeated the words I said to my soulmate, the look of devastation on her face came rushing back to haunt me. "I hurt her. I hurt her when all I wanted to do was love her."

Jin rubbed my back, not saying anything. After a moment, he helped me to my feet and led me over to the sofa, sitting next to me and putting an arm around my shoulder, offering me what little comfort he could.

Namjoon came through the door where he had silently been watching the whole scene, drawn in by my sobs. "It's going to be okay Jimin," he said. "If you're feeling this much pain that means her soul hasn't severed the connection completely. She's hurting and lashed out."

Hoseok came into the room, followed by Yoongi and Taehyung. Their eyes were filled with pity and I knew they had heard the entire conversation. "It's going to be okay. Spend this evening with your brothers. Give her time," Hoseok said gently.

I gave him a grateful look then gazed around the room, happy to have my brothers with me. I was appreciative of the support regardless of how awful I had been to them lately. As I looked at each of my brothers, my heart stopped when I saw that a certain doe eyed, dark haired brother was noticeably missing.

No More Dream: Book 1 of the Mythical Beings Soulmate Series (Jimin X Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن