Chapter 9: "This is not good."

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The next few days passed slowly as I became more excited for my date with Jackson. I hadn't really been able to spend time with him since his confession at the coffee shop. We talked over text but the security breach at the company kept him pretty busy. He had to practically beg for Saturday off so we could spend some time together.

After stepping out of the shower on Saturday morning, I stood in front of closet staring at my clothes. I wanted to wear something special without looking too overdone. I finally settled on a pair of tight ripped jeans, a baby blue V-neck shirt, and a cropped white denim jacket. I left my hair down and let it curl naturally. I applied my makeup with a light hand then checked the time. I still had half an hour before Jackson was picking me up so I sat at the kitchen table with my computer. Although I still had research to do, I had enough information to at least get started. I opened up a new document on my computer and began to type an introduction.

Sexy, intimidating and manipulative, the incubus is undoubtedly one of the most dangerous mythical beings. Since he gains his energy from the fear and lust from women, the incubus has the power to control their dreams and thoughts. By tapping into their most intimate desires, the incubus is able to bring women to an insurmountable amount of pleasure unmatched by anything else.

I sat there for a moment reading over what I had read. Although I had no beliefs in this particular mythical being, or any other for that matter, the information was interesting and a little shocking. I still couldn't believe the number of women who had submitted testimonials of being visited by the incubus. I thought about the dreams I had been having lately. I had been trying to push the beautiful silver haired man out of my mind, but no matter what I did, he filled my thoughts. I was hoping my date with Jackson would distract me from him.

As I closed my computer, the doorbell rang and my heart fluttered knowing who was waiting on the other side. I opened the door to a smiling Jackson.

"Hey sweetheart," Jackson said, handing me a bouquet of pink carnations.

I was touched by the thoughtful gesture. I had mentioned once a while ago that they were my favorite flower and I was touched that he remembered. "Thank you," I said with a shy smile, sticking my nose in the bouquet. "They're beautiful."

Jackson gave me another smile. "I like being able to bring you beautiful things. You... you're special to me," he said, casting his eyes to the ground and a pink flush coloring his cheek.

I pinched his cheek, making him roll his eyes at me and laugh. "You're so cute," I said. We had been friends for so long that I didn't want him to think he had to be uncomfortable around me. "Let me put these in some water and we can go."

Jackson followed me into the kitchen and I pulled a blue glass vase from underneath the sink. We made small talk while I trimmed the stemmed and filled up the vase.

"You sure you okay with aquarium?" Jackson asked. He looked nervous about our date.

I set the vase on the center of the island then stepped over and took both of his hands. "I love the idea. It's been a long since I've been there and I'm really looking forward to it." Jackson looked relieved at my words and squeezed my hands. I dropped his hands with a smile then went and grabbed my purse, slipping sneakers onto my feet.

Jackson opened the door for me and I followed him out, locking it behind me. Jackson led the way to his car, opening the passenger side door so I could get in. I sent him a sweet smile at his impeccable manners. Jackson went around to the driver's seat and got in, starting the car. We chatted on the way to the aquarium, Jackson keeping me laughing with his adorable sense of humor.

As we got closer to the aquarium, my excitement began to build. It had been a long time since we got to spend time together, so this chance was really exciting for me. We held hands going into the aquarium and I blushed when Jackson leaned down and kissed my cheek while we were waiting in line to buy tickets. He insisted on paying for me even though I tried to buy my own ticket.

After passing our tickets to the greeter, we stepped into the large central foyer. My eyes lit up at the sight of the large tank in front of us. It was almost floor to ceiling and would require fifteen people holding hands to reach all the way around it. Jackson stood behind me, his arms around my waist as we looked at the different sea animals, giggling like little kids. He nuzzled his head into my neck and I felt my heart flutter at the sensation.

I jerked around when I thought I saw a flash of dark hair and a pair of big doe eyes, but turned back to the tank when I didn't see anything more.

Jackson caught my movements and leaned around to look at me. "You okay sweetheart?" he asked, the concern evident on his face.

I nodded. "Yeah. I just thought I saw someone, but I must have been mistaken," I replied, brushing it off.

Jackson nodded then released me, taking my hand. "As much as in would like to stand here and snuggle with you, there's still much to see. Let's go!" he said, tugging my hand.

I laughed at his cute behavior and followed him from the central foyer into one of the rooms off to the side. We wandered along the tanks, pointing out the different things we saw and just overall enjoying each other's company. I didn't think the day could get any better.

Jungkook POV:

Damn it! I can't believe she almost caught me. Jin had asked me to follow Y/N and Jackson on their date. Namjoon had done a number on the security at Jackson's company, keeping him busy for several days, but Jackson's boss had relented and gave him the day off. Namjoon was still working on trying to fix that, but so far it wasn't helping.

I know Jimin had said he had no interest in the girl and wanted nothing to do with her, but if we didn't get them together soon, this would not end well for him. I stealthily followed Y/N and Jackson through the aquarium, laughing at the irony of where I was. Even though I wanted to see Y/N with her soulmate, I had to admit she did look happy with Jackson. He kept her laughing and smiling. She would blush in pleased delight each time he kissed her cheek or nuzzled into her hair. I truly felt for the girl but knew that once she and Jimin were together, her happiness would increase by tenfold.

I was so focused on the couple in front of me that I didn't notice the dark haired girl walking towards me, her face focused on the map in front of her. She bumped right into my chest, stumbling backwards. I grabbed her wrists and mumbled an apology. She stared at me for a moment before she stuttered out an "it's alright" and hurried away. I watched her walk away for a moment, thinking about the strange encounter, but then remembered my purpose here. I looked around quickly for Jackson and Y/N, spotting them heading into the next corridor.

As I followed them, making sure to keep enough distance to not be noticed, Jackson pulled Y/N close, looking around to see if anyone was paying attention before kissing her lips. After he pulled away, she looked up at him shyly with a look of adoration in her eyes. Shit! This is not good!  

No More Dream: Book 1 of the Mythical Beings Soulmate Series (Jimin X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now