Chapter 15: "I couldn't be in love with her. Could I?"

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After my classes, I left campus to grab a cup of coffee, knowing I would need it to get through the rest of the day. No matter how hard I tried, I could not get the thoughts of the silver haired man out of my head. I couldn't understand why I kept dreaming about him. The thoughts were making me crazy. The idea of the incubus came back to my mind, but I tried to dismiss the thought. There's no way that could be happening. Mythical beings do not exist. They're just stories. Stories people pass down to occupy their time. It couldn't be the answer for what I was experiencing. It just couldn't be. I refused to believe it.

As I walking back towards the college, I tried to think of something besides the silver haired man. Anything else. I was just getting ready to enter the college campus when a flash of silver caught my attention. I turned towards the sight and my mouth dropped open in surprise. On the opposite side of the street, there was a devastatingly handsome man. He had on tight black pants that showcased his thick thighs and a white silky button up shirt. My eyes traveled up towards his face. He had the plumpest lips I had ever seen that were currently set in a smirk. His dark eyes were narrowed on me and as he ran a hand through his silver hair, I could feel the moisture begin to gather between my legs at the memory of his hard length as it thrust into me. It couldn't be him! I heard my name and the man's eyes narrowed even further.

I turned to see Jungkook standing behind me, a smile on his face and his doe eyes bright. I turned back to the silver haired man but he was nowhere to be seen. My eyes scanned up and down the street, but there was nothing. It would have been impossible for him to move that quickly. Was I hallucinating?

"You okay Y/N?" Jungkook asked, a worried look on his face as he reached out to touch my shoulder.

I turned back towards where I had seen him then shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. I must not be getting enough sleep I finally thought. "Yeah I'm okay," I said, my voice hesitant.

Jungkook continued to look at me worriedly. "Are you sure?" he questioned.

I brushed off his concern. "Yeah I'm okay," I replied. I thought about how Jungkook believed in mythical beings. He would be the perfect person to ask the questions I had about the incubus. Not that I really believed in it, but it would settle my mind to get some tentative answers. "Can you meet me for coffee after the last classes?"

Jungkook gave me a surprised look at my request then nodded. "Sure. I'd like that," he agreed, a cute smile on his pretty lips and a blush across his cheeks.

"Y/N!" a voice called and I turned to see Jackson making his way across the campus from the building where his classes were located. "Hey babe," he said, kissing me on the lips when he got to my side.

"Hey," I replied, not missing the strange look that crossed Jungkook's face at Jackson's actions. I wrapped an arm around his waist, snuggling in close to him. I turned to Jungkook. "I'll see you at 3. Meet you by the fountain?"

Jungkook nodded and I gave him a smile then headed into the campus with Jackson. Jackson shook his head. "I still don't see how you get him to talk to you," he said incredulously. "He's got girls trying to talk to him all the time but he refuses and just blows them off."

I shrugged my shoulders, not believing Jackson's words. "I don't know. He always talks to me. He's really friendly with me," I replied.

Jackson hesitated then wrapped an arm around my waist. "Just as long as he doesn't try to steal my girl away," he said, moving his lips to my neck.

At the feeling of his mouth on me, all thoughts of Jungkook and the silver haired man fled my mind and I melted into his touch. "Damn it," he grumbled against my neck. "I wish I didn't have to work tonight. I want to be with you so damn bad."

My heart fluttered at his words. "Me too," I whispered, dragging his lips to mine. I didn't even care that were standing in the middle of campus, but eventually my senses came back to me and I pulled away. "Jackson we can't do this right here."

Jackson sighed in frustration and I giggled. "I know," he said. "Part of me doesn't care and is begging to strip you down and bury myself in you, people watching be damned."

My panties dampened at his sexy words. This was something unexpected from Jackson and the dirtiness of his words made me want him instantly. "Soon," I promised. "But if it doesn't happen soon enough, I'll let you take me right in the middle of campus."

Jackson groaned against my ear. "Why did you have to say that?" he asked. "Now I have to go to class with a raging erection."

I looked down and noticed the thick bulge beneath his jeans. "Can't wait to be able to feel that," I whispered, nipping at his neck.

Jackson kissed me one more time then pushed me away gently. "I have to leave now before it's too late," he replied, backing away from me.

I gave him a smug smile and a wave before heading in the opposite direction.

Jimin POV:

Shit! What the fuck was I thinking? I couldn't believe I had stood there, letting her see me. She had spotted me and stared at me as though she couldn't believe it was me. My eyes had been immediately drawn to her. The late morning sun had caught in her hair turning the dark strands to fire. I wanted to go to her right then but was stopped when he approached her. I couldn't believe it. One of my best friends, the man who was as close to me as a brother. I wanted to tear his arm off when he touched her shoulder even though the act looked innocent. What was he trying to do? He believed I didn't want her so was he trying to take her for his own? The thought made the rage rise up in my chest. I couldn't believe he would do that to me.

I paced back and forth in my bedroom, trying to get the thoughts of Jungkook and her out of my mind. If that wasn't bad enough, her damn boyfriend! I watched with the fury building as he kissed her lips. That was bad enough but then he started kissing her neck, the same place he had marked her before. Who the fuck did this bastard think he was? The idea of him was really starting to piss me off.

I had just flopped down on my bed when a man with orange hair popped his head around my bedroom door. "What's going on with you?" Taehyung asked. He had been visiting family the last three weeks so he wasn't aware of what had taken place lately.

I sat up and ran a hand through my hair, tugging on the strands then explained the whole situation to him. "Can you believe this shit?" I asked.

Taehyung was quiet for a moment then finally spoke up. "Is Namjoon sure about it all?" he asked, clearly the idea of having a soulmate unbelievable to even him.

"Yeah," I grumbled, the irritation clear in my voice. "I've met mine."

Taehyung's eyes widened in surprised. "Seriously?" he asked in shock. "And?"

I jumped up from the bed. "And what?" I demanded. "I don't want a soulmate. I don't want this girl."

Taehyung shrugged. "Then reject her," he said, as if the answer was simply.

I slammed a fist into the wall, cracking the plaster underneath it and feeling the blood drip from the graze it caused. "Don't you think I've tried? I've tried to stay away from her, but my body, my soul, my mind calls for her. I can't stay away from her no matter how hard I've tried."

I looked at my fist and watch the dark red droplets trickle down my hand from the already healing wound. Taehyung watched me curiously. "How do you feel about it?" he asked.

"How do I feel?" I questioned, my face filled with my obvious shock at his question. "How do I fucking feel? I'm an incubus. My life, my purpose is meaningless sex. Moving from one woman's bed to another. I've just found out that I'm now chained to one woman. How the fuck do you think I feel?"

Taehyung raised an eyebrow at my rage. "Damn. So it happened," he asked.

I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What happened?" demanded.

The next words he uttered caused my mouth to drop open and my heart to stutter at the truth lingering behind the words. "You fell in love with her, didn't you?" he asked simply.

No. I couldn't be. I couldn't be in love with her. Could I?

No More Dream: Book 1 of the Mythical Beings Soulmate Series (Jimin X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now