Chapter 19: "I can't leave her alone."

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My aggravation levels shot through the roof at Jimin's words. There was something that was yelling that he was lying. Lying about who he was. Lying about not knowing me. I stood up, ignoring the sweet way my name fell from his plush lips. "I don't have time for this. Just leave me alone," I spat out, turning and stalking away. I didn't know what was going on with this guy but I couldn't take it anymore.

I tossed my empty cup in the trash can by the door to the cafeteria and walked through, refusing to turn back and look at him. I pulled out my phone and sent a quick message to Jungkook.


Can you meet me after class?

11:31 AM



Is everything ok?

11:31 AM



But I need answers

And I know you can give them to me

11:32 AM



Meet you at the fountain


11:34 AM

Judging by the time it took him to respond, I know he was thinking about rejecting me. There was something going on with Jungkook and Jimin. Jimin refused to answer my questions but I had a feeling Jungkook would be a little more amicable. As I headed into the building, I thought about Jimin's words. Maybe he was right. Maybe this was all a coincidence. I just didn't understand it all.

The rest of the day dragged by and by 3:00 I was anxious to meet with Jungkook. He was sitting by the fountain when I arrived and gave me a tentative smile. I gave him one back, reassuring him that it wasn't him I was angry with.

I sat on the bench and we were both silent for a moment. "I know you know something," I finally blurted out. "Jimin won't tell me anything. I've been having strange dreams about him. Even before I even met him. He says it's all coincidence, but I don't know what to think anymore."

Jungkook hesitated. "As much as I would like to, I can't tell you about Jimin. It's not my business to tell," he replied.

I stared at him for a moment then suddenly reached out and touched his hair. "When did you dye your hair again? Yesterday morning, it was gone," I asked, distracted by the jade strands.

Jungkook's eyes widened in surprise before he carefully composed his features. "Um... last night," he said quickly then looked away as though he were trying to avoid my gaze.

When he looked back at me, I noticed for the first time just how gorgeous his eyes were. I originally thought they were brown, but the longer I looked at them, the more blue and green I could see in them. They were amazingly beautiful and unlike anything I had ever seen in my life.

Jungkook waved a hand in my face, jerking me out of my reverie. "You alright?" he asked, an amused smile on his face.

I blushed then looked down at the edge of my sweater, twisting it back and forth between my fingers. "Um... yeah. Your... your eyes are really pretty," I said softly.

Jungkook placed a finger beneath my chin, forcing me to look up at him. I was once again lost within the swirling colors, captivated by the depths of the fascinating hues. Jungkook's gaze drifted down and focused on my lips and his tongue poked out, swiping across his bottom lip in an act of nervousness. I suddenly realized I wanted Jungkook to kiss me. He leaned in a little before quickly pulling himself back. "Um... what else... what else did you want to know?" he asked, clearly trying to distract himself from what was about to happen.

No More Dream: Book 1 of the Mythical Beings Soulmate Series (Jimin X Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن