Chapter 17: "Please remember me."

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The morning after the conversation with Jungkook, I woke up early. I didn't have any dreams about the silver haired man but I did have an interesting dream about a certain doe eyed guy with dark hair and a pretty smile. It was nothing too intimate, just a couple of sweet kisses standing on a beach near a salty smelling ocean.

I showered and dressed, slipping on a pair of jeans and a white shirt, throwing a blue and green ombre cardigan over it. The sweater for some reason made me think of Jungkook. All that talk about mythical beings must be getting to my head or something.

I pulled my hair into a ponytail then packed my bag for school. I had to stop by the library after school to return the books I had borrowed. I had gotten all the information I could from them. The rest of the information I would get from Internet sources. I would be glad when I could turn in the project. I would definitely be glad when I was done with the semester. Only about six more weeks and I would be done. Then I could graduate in the spring. I had been applying for journalist positions but so far nothing had panned out. Once I had my degree, the job market might open up a little more.

I left my condo, locking the door behind me. As I walked to school, I kept an eye out for the silver haired man but then shook my head to clear the thoughts from my mind. There was no way I had seen him. The idea was preposterous.

Jackson was waiting for me outside the campus. He had offered several times to pick me up, but I liked the fresh air I got by walking. Since the campus was less than 10 minutes from my condo, I didn't mind the exercise. I greeted Jackson with a kiss and we made small talk as we walked across the campus together. I saw Jungkook from a distance and he gave me a smile and a wave. I couldn't help but smile back when I saw his bright smile.

The day went by quickly. I didn't see Jungkook or Jackson after my morning classes since I had to swing by the library. It was on the opposite side of campus and the long walk there and back would use up most of my morning break.

Jackson sent me a text telling me he missed me and hoped we could spend time together soon. He was still having security troubles at work and it was really starting to frustrate him. There was nothing in could do to help alleviate the stress. Well there was one thing, but we never got to spend any time together for that to happen.

After I left the library, I stopped at a vending machine for a soda since I didn't have time to go to the cafeteria for coffee. I put my money into the machine and was waiting for my soda to fall when I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"You know caffeine isn't good for you, don't you princess?" he asked.

I froze, caught between wanting to turn around and see the face I so often dreamed about and not wanting to believe he was really standing behind me.

I slowly turned and my mouth dropped open in surprise. "You!" I blurted out, so sure my eyes were deceiving me. Standing in front of me, dressed in a tight black long sleeve shirt and a pair of black pants that hugged his toned thighs was the silver haired man who filled my dreams at night.

"Me?" he said, a smirk on his face. "Do we know each other?"

I didn't know what to say without sounding like a complete idiot. "No... no I don't think so," I said softly. "You... you just remind me of someone."

"And who do I remind you of princess?" he asked, his voice coming out like spun sugar, sweet and flowing over me. "A boyfriend?"

I shook my head. "No. Just someone... someone I dream about," I admitted, the words sounding silly even to my ears.

No More Dream: Book 1 of the Mythical Beings Soulmate Series (Jimin X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now