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"So ma'am can you explain to us how this happened? Because it is not possible for him to get these type of cuts and bruises from falling off the swing at school." Child Services asked. "Yeah bruh explain to us how tf my son got all these scratches and bruises." I said standing up.

I got a call from my cousin saying I need to get to the hospital not knowing what the problem was. I got here and this what the fuck I'm hearing. Bruh I'm about to get full custody of my child.

"My um I left Ryan with my boyfriend Jack for two days and when I came to get him. He was like this I'm sorry Rodney." Nia said trying to touch me. "Nia maaan that's yo ass ... can I see my son bruh" I said trying to keep my anger down.

"You can't blame me for this Rodney! You're always with that bi- What yo fucking mouth! Sheen got shit to do with this! I take care of my son! You too busy tryna see what the fuck I'm doing and who I'm fuckin so you never do your job as a mom! I'm sick of this bullshit! This was the last straw! You let that nigga keep my son AND he put his hands on my son? That's so fucked up bruh!" I yelled. Tears damn near finna fall out my eyes. Ryan means the world to me and this shit making me feel like a failed parent because I wasn't there bruh.

"Let me see my son please" I asked the nurse. She nodded her head and showed me the way. I need to figure out how ima get my son out this situation. I just can't do this shit no mo.

"He's in here, hit the red emergency button if you need me" She half smiled and walked away.

I looked at Ryan and damn near cried. No way this Nigga did this to him man. I gotta find that nigga bruh and that's on God.

(Ryan is 4 by the way)

"Daddy!" He said crying. "Aye man you're a big boy and you're strong like Iron Man. Dry those tears." I said trying not to cry my damn self. "It hurts.." He said pointing to his arm. "I know but you gotta fight aight? Daddy gone make everything special for you lil dude. We can go to Disney Land when you get out Aight?" I said truthfully. I'll do anything for Ryan and he know that shit. All he gotta do is ask.

He nodded his head with a smile and reached his good arm out. I picked him up slowly trying not to hurt his little body. He laid his head on my chest and went to sleep within the next few minutes.

I sighed and looked at the ceiling. It's always something with Nia ass. She forever doing dumb shit bruh.

My phone began to ring and I looked at the caller. Why the hell is Gi calling me?

"Wassup Gi? You straight?" I frowned confused asf. "Yeah but um idk who shorty is but she found yo spot cuh." He explained. "Nigga what? Who?" I said sitting up. "She a red bone, nice shape and bout 5'2" He said describing the female. 

"Aye man that's my girl, do me a favor and put her ass in my room. Ima be otw later, I gotta see if ima tell her ass or not." I said and hung up.

If it ain't one thing it's a god damn nother boy I tell you.


I woke up from what felt like a long rest but I knew it wasn't. I just wanna know who did that shit to me.

"Good you up." A guy said and walked off. "WAIT! HOLD THE FUCK UP!" I screamed scared and confused. I picked up the closest thing to me and it had to be a damn lamp great.

The guy look at me with a blank expression and folded his arms.

"Who the hell are you and why are you in my boyfriend's house?" I asked him. He didn't answer me at all, he just smiled. "Why are you smiling? I didn't say anything funny!" I frowned. I'm scared shitless right now. I'm not sure if I want to hit him this lamp or what.

"Aye Gi!" I heard Rodney yell. The guy smiled at me again and threw the peace sign up. My nerves were bad right now and Rodney was about to hear my mouth.

"Nomi baby I- why yo ass got a lamp in your hand?" He asked confused. "You think this shit is fucking funny? Fuck you Rodney! I was scared shitless! I didn't know if he was gonna rape me or what!" I said as I put the lamp down. "Baby I'm sorry alright, today ain't been my day?" He said trying to touch me.

"Uh uh don't touch me Nigga, what the fuck are you hiding? Why do you have all these damn cameras in your house and around the city? Who are you looking for?" I asked confused. "Can we talk about this shit later? I got a lot on my mind Nomi please" He sighed.

I sighed and decided to put the issue to the side for a second.

"What's wrong?" I asked as he laid back on the bed. "I'm about to go back to jail Nomi, Nia let that nigga put his hands on my son nie he in the hospital. It's only a few things in this world that I love and care about. If some happens to them I always said ima put my life on the line!" He said breathing hard.

"Baby look at me, I'm fine okay? Ryan is fine too okay? Going to harm this guy or Nia isn't going to help anything Rodney." I said trying to calm him down. "My son could've died Nomi.." He said looking in my eyes. It was like I was talking to a different person.

"But he's alive and getting well! Don't go out and do anything stupid that will take your freedom away! That would take you away from Ryan. Think smart and let the court handle it!" I explained the best way I could.

"Aight" He nodded and sniffed. "Rodney it's okay to cry, I won't judge you for it." I said sitting on the bed next to him. "I haven't told you this but having Ryan came with complications. He almost died when Nia was giving birth to him so to see him back at that hospital in a situation like that hurts." He sighed.

"You're gonna get through this, Ryan will be okay. He's strong just like his daddy." I said kissing his cheek.

"I love you Nomi, real shit." He said pulling me closer. "I love you too Rodney!" I blushed and cuddled closer.

I still haven't forgot about that shit in his closet. I will be bringing it up soon!


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