Explaining Shit

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"Tt No look!" My nephew Jay said with a smile while holding up his report card. I gave him a quick side eye as grabbed the paper from him. Even though I knew his grades already, I still hyped my baby up regardless. Black excellence hunnty!

"Great job Jay! Now, let's go spoil you for the day since you always bring good grades home!" I smiled kissing his cheek. The first place we're stopping at is the damn barber shop, cause his head definitely needs it! ASAP!

Hi, my name is Nomi Catelaya James. Now before you even ask, I'm not sure why my parents gave me that name either. My mom says Nomi means "my delight" and Catelaya is her favorite flower so .. she just changed the spelling. Meanwhile, my dad only contributed to my last name and making me. My dad is really the chill parent so it makes sense why he left the extra bullshit to my mama ass. But anyways, I'm a 22 year old nursing student with no kids, maybe some in the future ... only time will tell. As of right now, I am my nephew's guardian because my sister is too busy doing jail time for a man who moved on as soon as she got her sentence. Isn't that crazy?

Yeah it's a bit of a long story with my sister and her drama... me and my parents don't really like to mention it because it's like ... dumb ass hell. I always looked up to my sister until she begin to change, then all that shit was out the damn window. Jay is the only thing that she actually did good with in life .. only by having him of course.

After me and Jay celebrated his good grades in the kitchen, we made our way to the barbershop which was only two blocks away from my house.

Pulling up to the barber shop, it seemed a little busy but we weren't in a rush so it would be fine. As we walked in the shop, it seemed as if all eyes were on us. I guess because I only had on Nike tights, Ugg boots and a pull over. Hell, it was cold as hell outside. This November winter don't bullshit at all.

"Hi.." I smiled at everyone not knowing who to speak with about the service. "How can I help you?" A random guy with a deep voice asked. "My nephew needs a haircut badly, whose the best one to go too?" I asked looking around the shop.

"I can cut him after I finish him up. You can come sit by me Lil man" he stated as he signal Jay to sit in the chair next to him. I was about to sit down and wait for Jay to finish but he wasn't having it.

"Tt I'm a big boy! I don't need you to wait for me" he frowned. Op well excuse the hell out of me sir.

"I guess big boys pay for their own hair cuts too huh?" I smiled handing him $20. He gave me a big smile and thank you as he grab the money out of my hand.

I turned away to walk out the barber shop but I was stopped by a random guy.

"Hay, I was wondering if you had a man? If not, maybe we can get to know each other sometime." The random guy said with a smile. He seemed to be in his 30s or older which wasn't a problem but dude wasn't my type at all.

"Um actually I do" I said giving him a fake smile and walking off. I'm pretty sure I'm not the first female he played that line too. I don't have the time or energy for a man unless he's about his business just like me. Until then, I got this imagery boyfriend by my side.

My history with males and relationships has been horrible. It's like once my ex fucked up my trust, it was over for everybody. Will and I were dating for 3 years before I found out that his ass was married with 4 kids.  How I missed that? Hmm dick and lies had me dumb dumb dumbbbb. Can you say embarrassing?

I sat patiently in my car and waited for Jay to get done with his hair cut. After about 25 minutes, I decided to just go back in the shop to see if he was finished yet and he was.

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