Mommy Alert

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For the last two days I turned my phone off and hid at my parent's house. My emotions won't even let me go to the hospital or answer calls about Rodney's situation because I was so damn scared. What if I'm told he will die or something? Anything!

"Nomi baby girl you have to go see him, that's the only way you will know if he's in good condition baby." My mom said walking in the room. "Mama I'm just scared, I don't even know if I'm pregnant or not. That's the worse part about it. After you guys caught us the first time we haven't really stopped having sex." I cried hard. "Oh my lord Nomi, baby girl you have to go see him." She said hugging me.

"I love him so much Mama!" I cried in her shirt. "I know baby that's why you have to go visit him now! It's for the best." She said kissing my forehead. I nodded my head and sat quiet. After about five minutes of silence, I got myself together and walked to the bathroom to freshen up.

It took me about 25 minutes to get ready then I was on my Mary way.

I arrived at the hospital and put my head on the steering wheel. I prayed for the best and got out the car. Once I made it in the hospital, I walked to the 6th floor where I knew he would be. The closer I got the more my heart hit my chest. My nerves were killing me.

"Nomi! Chicaaaa are you okay?" Rosa said hugging me. I nodded my head and sighed. "Oooh Chica, I have good news fo you! Come come!" She said grabbing my arm.

She took me to a kids room and I frowned with confusion.

"This is Ryan ... his mother came by with some court documents stating that you have fully custody of Ryan. She didn't really go into detail but she said enough." She said kissing my hand. "What .. I don't understand." I said confused. "Not sure what happened but Rodney is in a coma. But I'm sure he will be up in a few more days my love!" She smiled and walked out the room.

I read the papers with a confused expression. What the fuck is going on? The more I read the more I realized this shit is actually real.

 What the fuck is going on? The more I read the more I realized this shit is actually real

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"Hi." Ryan said looking over at me. "Hi baby I'm Nomi but you can call me whatever you want as long as it's nice." I smiled and walked over to his bed. "Where's my daddy?" He asked me. "Daddy is handling business right now but he sent me to come watch you for the time being. Are you hungry?" I asked trying to change the subject so he wouldn't ask anymore questions. He shook his head no and laid his head on my shoulder.

We sat in silence for a minute until he asked me another question.

"I'm staying with you now?" He said looking over at me. I sighed and played with my feelings. "Yes sweet heart you will be but we will have so much fun! I can cook, buy you toys and games and you're going to school!" I smiled trying to lighten the mood but it only work for a few seconds.

"Will daddy be there?" He smiled. "Um daddy will be there soon okay? We can see him tomorrow if you want since it is getting a little late!" I smiled. He nodded his head and smiled back at me.

"Give me just a second, I'm going to go talk to the nurse okay?" I smiled and kissed his forehead. I left the room trying to hide my tears and I couldn't hold them back.

"Nomi? Oh my gosh come here!" Lisa said pulling me into a hug

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"Nomi? Oh my gosh come here!" Lisa said pulling me into a hug. "I was worried sick about you, how are you feeling. I know this is a lot to take in." She said as she rubbed my back. "I have full custody of Ryan ... the bad part about it is Rodney barely had anything dealing with the custody battle. This makes me feel so bad." I said crying.

"Hay hay hay you need to calm it down and take a breather and relax. Everything will be fine okay? You just need to take baby steps Nomi!" She sighed and continued to rub my back.

"I'm trying but it's so much to take in. And Rodney was lying to me about his lifestyle. A blind man can see it and if he thinks I am playing about that shit then he has another thing coming." I said truly. I hate secrets and I hate liars like stay tf away from me.

"Wait bitch what? Run that back by me." She said shocked. "Lisa... I think Rodney is in some type of gang or he's like some hit man or something. I literally found a hidden room in his closet!" I whispered.

"Rodney? I doubt it Nomi!" She said shocked. "No I'm dead ass serious! It's cameras around the whole damn city! I don't know who he's watching but it better not be me! And to top things off, I just got full custody of his child!" I sighed as I sat down.

"Woah woah what?! Are you fucking serious?" Lisa said sitting down with me. "Lisa I literally just said this! You weren't listening." I said rubbing my face. "Okay okay I'm sorry but WASNT Rodney trying to fight for that shit?!? That bitch easily gave it up to you like it was her pussy or something!" Lisa frowned. "Exactly, like she passed that around to me like it was nothing but wanted Rodney to fight for it. I feel so bad right now. I just need him to wake up. Ryan needs his dad and so does his new child." I cried in my hands.

"Oh my gosh Nomi ... you're pregnant?" She said shocked. I nodded my head and wiped my face. "Yeah the chances are high." I sighed.

"You need to go to church this weekend baby because what the hell Nomi!" She frowned. "Lisa please don't do that, I don't need that type of party right now." I said holding my hand up.

"I'm sorry, I just want what's best for you sis, with Rodney not being here and you trying to take care of his kids and be safest the same time is kind of hard don't you think?" She asked.

"Yea... but I'll be fine." I shrugged and walked away before she could say anything. Everyone's opinion on my situation as of right now is irrelevant and I'm not down to hear that shit.

Times like this is definitely liquor worthy but I can't even do that shit.


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