Jail Bird

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"Ma'am he will not have a bond until tomorrow morning. There isn't much I can do" The front desk clerk said to me and my sister. I sighed and scratched my head. This is definitely bullshit.

"It's all your fault Mimi." Ruth said shaking her head. "The fuck do you mean it's my fault?" I asked confused. I don't give a fuck who you are, don't throw me under the bus for shit I had nothing to do with.

"They were fighting over y- See if you knew your man so well you would know they were not. Rodney probably did some shady shit and knowing you! You probably played a part in it!" I said walking away.

I needed to go to Gi's mom house fast, I have no time to argue with Ruth slow ass.

My life is so confusing and full of drama. I can't wait for this bull shit to be over.

I pulled up to his mom's house and tried my best to run towards the door.

"Hey baby how are you?" She smiled big and hugged me. "I'm doing fine Mrs- she cut me off with a mug and I sighed. She looks at me as her daughter and wants me to call her Mama Ri.

"Mama Ri I really have something to tell you!" I said pacing. "What's wrong?" She frowned. "Rodney and Gi got into a fight and now they are both locked up. I really don't know the details behind the big fight but I know it has something to do with Kayla." I said all in one breath. "What?!?! I knew it! I told him befo that baby wasn't his! Rose looks just like Rodney, I'm not sure why he couldn't see it!" She fussed and walked into the kitchen.

"Mama Ri what are we going to do? I can't bail him out. He doesn't a bond as of right now." I sighed. These last few months I've been stressing myself out to the fullest. I seriously need to calm down before I lose my baby.

"Baby I hate to say it but there's nothing we can do till tomorrow." She sighed and grabbed a plate. We sat in silence for a minute until she broke it.

"Are you in love with my son? Or just have some sort of feelings for him?" She asked handing me a plate of food. "I have feelings of course but I'm not sure if I'm in love with him. Giovanni is a amazing guy, he's so helpful and caring. I just hate to see him like this. Good people always get taking advantage of." I explained.

"Besides... I can't be with Gi. I dated his friend who he now hates and I am having his baby soon. That's a lot of drama and I doubt Gio is down for that." I said while taking a bite of her food. "I'm so sick of y'all saying that mess! Back in my day we didn't mind sweetie. Especially if that man did you and the friend wrong!" She frowned. I couldn't hold in my laugh at all, this lady is hilarious.

"I'm serious, we didn't. Baby when you really like someone you don't really give a flap about certain things. As long as Yeen fee flickering then we're allllll good baby." She smiled and kissed my cheek.

"But I don't want to push Gio into my babies li- If you think my son doesn't love your child already then you have another thing coming." She said sitting in her chair. "All of this is a lot to think about, I just don't wanna fuck up." I said folding my arms.

We were silent for a second until her phone rung.

"Yes , I accept." I hear her say. "Giovanni what the hell is going on?" She yelled standing up and walking towards me. She put the phone on speaker so we could talk and hear him at once.

"Ma just know Kayla and Rodney fucked and my daughter aint mine." He sighed. "I'm coming tomorrow to pay your bail! First thing in the morning." Sh said wiping her face.

Rodney isn't a real ass mf after all.

"Have you spoken with Nomi? I need to talk to her ASAP." He said. "I'm here." I said softly. "I am so sorry Nomi, I should've told you when I called you but my emotions got the best of me." He explained.

"It's fine Gi, I understand. I wouldn't know how to feel if that happened to me either." I said biting my lip.

Rodney is doing a lot of damage and things are not looking good at all.

It's like he's falling for people he knows is a no no. First it was Kayla, now it's Ruth. My damn sister.

"I really need to talk to you in private soon as I get out Nomi. For real." He rushed because time was ticking. "Okay that's fine." I sighed. I hated this shit, I feel like the drama is literally my fault or something.

"I think I'm gonna get home before it's getting too late." I said standing up. "You sure? You are always welcome to stay over." Mama Ri said worried. "I'm fine thank you though. Thanks for the food! I'll text you when I get home." I said hugging and kissing her.

She nodded her head and kissed my forehead.

"You be safe now and stop all that stressing!" She pointed. I nodded my head and walked away.

Times like these I just want to be alone, I like blocking my love ones out of my life so I can think about things.

Maybe that's what's best for me right now.


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