chapter 47 - writhe in ecstasy

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10 Hours Away

The electric stare of Logan's eyes bored into mine. Besides Noah, he was one of the most attractive guys I had ever met.

"You scared the shit out of me, Logan!" I said with a raised voice.

"I'm sorry, Liz! I didn't know you were wearing earphones." Logan's apology swiftly followed after he put his hand on my shoulder. "I was calling out for you but you didn't hear me." he explained, pointing at the earphones I disconnected from my phone.

"It's okay." I assured him.

"It isn't. I scared you and let you drop your drink, Liz." and we both stared at the milkshake which was splattered on the pavement. "Let me buy you a new one." Logan insisted.

"You don't have to, Logan." I told him when I saw him turn around; ready to place an order inside.

"I do. Give me a minute." he said and then disappeared inside.

While Logan was busy getting me a new milkshake, I put my earphones in the pocket of my coat. Hastily I turned my music off when I saw Logan approaching me from the corner of my eye.

"Here you go." he spoke as he handed me my drink.

"Thank you." I spoke lightly and took a quick sip. "So why are you here?" I slowly continued to walk as he willingly joined me.

"I usually go for a walk this time of day." Logan started, and I raised an eyebrow at him. "I know, it's pretty late, but something is relaxing about being outside when it's almost midnight." he added. "What brings you here?"

"I needed to clear my mind."

"Something big bothering you?" he questioned me, shoving his hands in his jeans.

"Kind of." I admitted as I held the cold drink.

I could feel his eyes on me. "Do you want to talk about it?" somehow, he sounded perturbed.

"Do you think you've got the solution to my problem then?" I asked in high-spirits.

"There's only one way to find out." Logan commented and he gestured me to take a seat on the wooden bench which had been painted baby-blue not so long ago. "Tell me what's wrong, Liz." the way he told me to open up, gave me a feeling of comfort. I realized Logan was keen to figure out if he could help me deal with whatever I was going through. Not only was Logan a supportive mentor, but he could also be a great listener – a great friend perhaps.

"Isn't this very unprofessional? Me pouring my heart out to my mentor?" I joked.

"Who says a mentor can't be a great friend too?" Logan countered.

"I can't argue with that." I said and smiled a bit. "Okay, so, for a while now, I have been dating this guy."

"Oh, you have?" he spoke up and the smile crossed his face. "Is he from the city?" Logan asked, looking at me mischievously.

I nodded. "He is. Well, he's originally from California but he moved to New York City some time ago." I explained shortly. Logan didn't have to hear Noah's life story. "But there's this girl, who has known him since they were young. They were high-school sweethearts." I nervously moved the plastic straw around. "Right now, he's going through a hard time – something happened in his personal life – and she's the one who's making sure he talks about it and keeps on having a good time. But while she is helping out, I barely get to see him. Whenever he tells me he's hanging out with her, I can't help but get angry."

"Have you told this guy that spending time with her makes you angry?"

"No. I have been hiding my emotions to protect what we have."

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