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A/n: This chapter is written as if Andy and Robert are married and everyone knows about them. Also Robert is still battalion chief, and Maya is captain.

"There was happiness because of you"

Maya's pov
"We should try and talk to her again," Vic sighed, even though we all knew that Andy wouldn't talk to any of us. She had been laid on top of the engine, silently crying, all day except when we were out on calls. None of us knew why though, because she hadn't said a word all shift.
"We could try calling Sullivan," Ben suggested.
"Mmm we could but it is his day off," I said.
"Yeah, but we know he'd come in straight away the moment we tell him somethings wrong with Andy. Hell, he'd fly halfway across the world for her, and her for him," Ben said and we all agreed.
"Okay let's call him then," I said, getting my phone out and pressing 'Chief Sullivan' in my contacts. I put it on speaker so the whole team could hear. We were all crowded into my office, so Andy wouldn't be able to hear us.
"Bishop what is it?" Sullivan asked when he picked up the phone. I glanced at Vic and sighed.
"It's Andy," I said.
"What happened? Is she okay? Is she hurt?" He said, panicking.
"No, she's not hurt, but we don't know what's wrong with her," Vic said.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"She's been laid on top of one of the engines crying pretty much all day except when we're out on calls, and she won't talk to any of us," Ben explained.
"Okay I'm on my way now," Sullivan said, before hanging up the phone.
When Sullivan arrived at the station, I told the others to stay in my office, and that I'd go and talk to him about Andy before coming back.
"Bishop where is she?" he said as he came running into the station.
"She's laid on the engine, she's not gotten down since we called you," I said, and he rushed off without another word. I walked back up to my office and sat with the others. We could see the engine from here, so we knew what was happening. We didn't want to be nosy or anything, but we were just curious.
We watched as Sullivan climbed up onto the engine. At first Andy didn't even acknowledge that he was there, so he laid next to her and wrapped his arm around her waist. Then she turned around, and hugged him back. We couldn't tell what they were saying, but within a few minutes, Andy was smiling for the first time all shift. Come to think of it, although she hasn't been this upset before, she never really seems happy anymore unless Sullivan is around. As the two of them started kissing, I spoke up, "Okay, let's give them some privacy now, you can all go and get on with your chores." The team nodded before getting up and walking out of the room.

Robert's pov
As soon as Bishop called to tell me there was something wrong with Andy, I came straight to the station. I didn't know what could be wrong, she had seemed fine when she left the house this morning. When I arrived, Bishop told me that Andy was laid on the engines where she had been most of the shift, so I headed into the barn.
I climbed up the side of the engine and saw Andy curled up with her back to me. "Go away, I've already said I don't wanna talk to anyone," she muttered, and I realised that she must think I was one of the others. Instead of saying anything, I crawled across so I was behind Andy, and wrapped my arm around her waist. "Wait, Robert?" She asked, confused.
"Hey babe," I said, confirming that it was me. She shifted in my arms, and turned so she was facing me, before hugging me back. I pulled her closer to me, and started stroking the back of her head to comfort her. She was still crying a little, but not as much as she was before. "Hey what's wrong?" I asked quietly, not wanting to upset her anymore.
Andy sighed before saying, "I don't really know. I just... I miss you. And things don't feel the same with the rest of the team anymore. I don't know what it is, I- I used to enjoy spending all of my time with them, they were like family to me. I told them everything, I did everything with them, I was always with them. But recently, it's like something changed. I don't know what it is but I just don't feel like I belong when I'm with them like I used to." She paused as a tear slipped down her cheek. "The only time I feel genuinely happy is when I'm with you. You're the only person that makes me feel like I belong." I pulled away slightly and wiped her cheek with my thumb before pressing a kiss to her head.
"I love you Andy, so much," I said. I didn't know what else to say. I love Andy so much and it breaks my heart to see her this upset, especially when I don't know how to help her.
"I love you too," she said and started to smile. "Thank you, for everything, for listening to me rant, for being here for me, for loving me even when I'm pretty sure everyone else hates me"-
I cut her off by kissing her, and soon she was kissing me back.
"They don't hate you," I said when we pulled apart. When Andy just gave me a sad smile, I continued, "What can I do to help?" She looked thoughtful for a moment before looking up at me.
"You're already helping Robert, just by being here," she said, smiling at me again.
"How about I talk to Bishop about getting you the rest of the shift off and we can go home and order takeout to eat in bed," I suggested.
"Ooo I thought you didn't like taking food into the bedroom," she teased me.
"Mmm well just this once," I said.
"Okay then," Andy replied, agreeing to my suggestion. So after I pressed another kiss to her head, I climbed down from the engine and went to ask Bishop if Andy could have the rest of the shift off. When she agreed, we went home, ordered a pizza and spend the rest of the afternoon in bed eating it and watching tv.

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