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"And when I was shipwrecked, I thought of you."

Andy's pov

I heard the sound of my air tank beeping, and I knew that I'd run out of air; I knew that there was no way I was getting out of here alive.

Pulling off my oxygen mask now that it wasn't helping me at all, I tried again to sit up, but it was no use, my leg was pinned under a metal beam.              

Sighing, I slumped back against the wall and closed my eyes.

I knew it would break Robert if I didn't make it out of here, and that was what had kept me fighting for so long.

He'd probably be here by now. It started off as a small fire, so the battalion chief wasn't called in, but as soon as things escalated someone would have alerted him.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I thought about all the things I would never get to do with Robert. We'd been married a month now, but we still haven't been on our honeymoon because of work. We'd planned it in our heads, but we both knew it would be a while before we both had days off.

A sad smile crept across my face as I remembered our wedding day. It had been the best day of my life. It was just Robert, me and my dad, because the team don't know about us even being together. Everything about that day had been perfect.

I thought of more happy memories with Robert, until eventually, I couldn't hold on anymore, and everything faded into blackness.


"Andy, stay with me," I heard Robert shouting, and I frowned slightly, confused.

What was happening?

How had I gotten out from the fire?

"Come on, wake up for me Andy, please," I heard him beg, but I couldn't open my eyes. "I love you so much, I can't do this without you Andy, please."

Struggling to open my eyes, I felt Robert's hand in mine, and used all of my strength to squeeze it. Anything to let him know that I was still here.

"Andy? Oh thank god," I heard him sigh in relief, and finally, I was able to open my eyes.

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