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"Crescent moon, coast is clear"

Robert's pov
I grabbed a bag and then went to my office to get all of the things I had been hiding. I quickly shoved them in the bag, and then made my way up to the roof, making sure that nobody saw me. It was the middle of the night, so nobody should be up unless we get a call. When I reached the roof, it was dark, with only the light from the crescent moon above me.
I put the bag down and started to set everything up. First, I laid the picnic blanket down, before putting a few pillows on it. Then, I started with the food. I hadn't had time to make anything, but I had bought some from the store on my way to work. I also got some paper plates and some wine glasses. I poured some non-alcoholic fruit punch into the glasses, because I knew we wouldn't be able to drink any actual wine or anything seeing as we are on shift. Next I put the mini sausage rolls, cocktail sausages, sandwiches and pork pies onto plates. I then got out the cake that I had bought at the store. It was quite simple, it was covered in white frosting, with happy first anniversary and a bunch of hearts piped on in red. It wasn't technically our first anniversary, Andy and I aren't even married yet, but it's the first anniversary of when we started dating. Finally, I got out the already wrapped presents that I had gotten Andy and put them in the gift bag. Once I had set everything up, I got out my phone and called Andy. She picked up on the third ring. "Hey babe," I said.
"Mmm hi, Robert it's like 2am," she muttered sleepily, causing me to laugh.
"I know, but I've got a surprise for you," I told her.
"Ooo what is it?" She asked excitedly, suddenly sounding wide awake.
"If I told you that, it wouldn't be a surprise, would it? Come up to the roof and you'll find out," I laughed.
"Okay, I have a surprise for you too, I'll bring it up," she said, and I could hear her moving around.
"Ooo I can't wait! Make sure nobody sees you coming up," I said. The team don't know about us yet, and we were hoping to keep it that way until we are ready to tell them.
"I can't see anyone, I think they're all asleep," She told me. Then, she hung the phone up, and I only had to wait a few seconds until I heard the door creaking open behind me. As soon as I knew Andy was there, I stood up and walked over to her. When I reached her, I leant down, kissing her softly. "Happy Anniversary," she whispered when we pulled away.
"Happy Anniversary," I said back, smiling. At that moment she saw the picnic that I had set up, and her face lit up like a little kid on Christmas morning.
"Awww Robert this is so cute," she said, grinning as she took my hand and ran over.
We sat down and started to eat the food. Once we had eaten most of it, I passed Andy the bag with the presents I got her. "Ooo," she said, taking it. First, she opened the photo album I got her. I'd already stuck some photos in it, and there were more blank pages for us to stick in more photos as we take them. Next, she started to unwrap the other present. It was a round lamp, with the outline of the two of us engraved into it. It was a photo of us kissing, from Andy's birthday. Luckily, Andy loved both of the presents. "Thank you so much Robert, I love them," she said, bring me into a hug, before kissing me. Then she grabbed a bag that she had hidden behind her and passed it to me. I couldn't help but notice that she looked nervous, to the point where her hand was shaking slightly, although that could just be from the cold. "I got you something too," she said quietly. I took it from her and started shaking it slightly, trying to figure out what it was. "Robert just open it already!" Andy snapped, and I looked at her, confused.
"Okay, okay, I'm opening it," I said defensively, before ripping off the wrapping paper to find a onesie. "Babe I think this might be a bit small," I laughed, still confused. She glared at me.
"Look at it," she said, sighing. I unfolded the onesie and looked at it. As I saw what was on the front, my breath hitched in my throat.
"I'm sorry, you're probably mad, I only found out two days ago, oh god I'm so sorry Robert," Andy stuttered, as a few tears rolled down her face. I reached over and brushed them away with my thumb, and then cupped her face with my hand.
"Andy, I'm not mad. I love you so much and I want to have kids with you, as long as you do too," I said, comforting her.
"Really? You do?" She asked, a grin spreading across her face. I nodded, and leaned over to kiss Andy. Then, I stood up, and pulled her up with me. After a few seconds of staring into her eyes, I hugged her, before lifting her up. She wrapped her arms around her neck, and her legs around my waist. I spun her around and let out a cheer of excitement. "Shhh someone will hear us," Andy laughed.
"I don't care, I'm so happy, I love you so much Andy, and our little baby," I said, slightly quieter.
"I love you too," she replied.

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