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"Long limbs and frozen swims, you'd always go past where our feet could touch."

Robert's pov
We pulled up in the parking lot, which was really just a large square of trampled grass, and started to get out the car. Andy and I each grabbed one of the bags, and then we started walking down the sandy track, holding each other's hands the whole time. Soon, we got to the beach.
I laid down the picnic blanket and then we started to get the food and drink out of the hamper. After we had eaten it, I stood up, smirking. "Robert Sullivan you better not do anything stupid," Andy warned me, noticing the look on my face.
"No promises," I said, before picking her up and putting her over my shoulder.
"Oh my god Robert! Put me down!" She shouted, struggling to try and get out of my grip. Laughing, I ran towards the sea, refusing to put her down just yet. Soon, I felt the cold water in between my toes, and I started to slow down. "Robert, I swear to god if you don't put me down right now!" Andy screamed.
"Okay okay! I'll put you down!" I said defensively, and that's when Andy realised what I was doing.
"Oh no, please don't! Robert no!" She squealed, trying to cling onto me.
"I thought you wanted me to put you down?" I smirked, before throwing her into the water. After a few seconds, she shook the water out of her hair and glared at me playfully.
"Oh, you are so on!" Andy joked, and started splashing me with sea water.
We had a water fight for a while, and then I decided to mess with Andy a bit. When she was turned away from me, I disappeared under water and started swimming as far away as I could without coming up for air. Eventually, I stopped, and looked around me. I came further than I thought. I could still see Andy, but she probably wouldn't be able to see me.
I laughed as I saw her looking around.
"Robert?" She shouted. "I swear to god where are you, this isn't funny!" Laughing, I started to swim back, going underwater again when I got closer.
When I was right behind Andy, I lifted her from underwater and then bought us both up above the surface. As I lifted her, she screamed, which made me laugh slightly.
"Robert! You scared me!" She said, slapping my arm playfully.
After spending a little more time in the water, we started to get cold, so we headed back to where our picnic blanket is. There, I sat down, and Andy sat on my lap. I grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around us both, to try and warm us up a bit.
We spent the rest of the day at the beach, laughing and having a good time. We don't get many days off, so when we do it's nice to spend them like this. Together.

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