Coney Island

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"Were you standing in the hallway, with a big cake, happy birthday"

Robert's pov
I switched my alarm off as quickly as possible so I didn't wake Andy up. We still had two and a half hours before we had to leave for work, and I wanted to let her sleep in as much as possible on her birthday. I looked over at her, and saw that thankfully, she was still fast asleep. I got out of bed, and put on some sweatpants and a hoodie, before sneaking out of the room.
When I got into the kitchen, I got out all of the ingredients I needed to make a cake and put them into a bowl. Then, I got out the whisks, shutting the door so the noise hopefully wouldn't wake Andy, and mixed it all together. After I had made the cake batter, I poured it into a tin and put it in the oven. Whilst the cake was cooking, I started to make the frosting. Once I had made it, I spooned some of it into a few different bowls and coloured some red, some purple, some orange and some green.
When the cake came out the oven, I left it to cool for a bit, before covering it in white frosting. I then got a piping bag and piped white kisses in a circle round the edge. Next, I piped happy birthday in purple, and then decorated it with balloons and dots using the other colours. As I finished, I checked the time and saw that we still had an hour until we had to leave. Picking up the plate that the cake was on, I made my way up the stairs and to mine and Andy's bedroom.
I stood outside the door, knocking on it with the hand that wasn't holding the cake. I could hear Andy groaning from the other side of the door. "Robert it's so earlyyy," she grunted sleepily. I chuckled slightly under my breath.
"You gonna open the door?" I asked. I heard her sighing, and then the bed creaking as she stood up. As she opened the door, her face lit up when she saw me and the cake. "Happy Birthday Love," I whispered, smiling at her.
Andy jumped up and down and clapped her hands in excitement. "Thank you!" She squealed happily. Then, we both went and sat in our bed, and using the knife I bought with me, cut two slices of cake. It was at that point I realised that I had forgotten to bring any plates for us to eat it on. "Never mind," Andy said, before starting to eat it out of her hands. I laughed before copying her. Usually I don't like bringing food into the bed, even with plates, but it was Andy's birthday. Plus she looks so adorable when she's excited. After we finished eating the cake, I stood up and walked over to the closet. "What are you doing?" Andy asked.
"You'll see," I replied, before opening the closet doors and rummaging around one of the shelves. Finally, I found what I was looking for. I grabbed the bag before joining Andy in bed again. "Happy Birthday," I said, passing her the bag. She took it, sitting up slightly so she could open the wrapped presents inside. First she took out one that was a sort of thin square shape. When she unwrapped it, there was a white box to open. Andy opened it, and started to smile when she saw what was inside.
"Awww Robert, I love it, thank you so much!" She said, leaning over to kiss me. I took the necklace, and reached around Andy, fastening it for her. It had a gold chain, with a heart shaped locket. Inside the locket, there was a small photo of the two of us sat in front of the fire one Christmas. I loved that photo, and I knew Andy did too, that's why I picked it.
Andy then opened the rest of the presents I got her: a red dress for when we go out on a date on our next day off, a box of her favourite chocolates and a photo album of photos of us that we've taken or had taken over the years that we've been together. When she finished opening them all, we only had fifteen minutes to get ready. We took a shower together, managing not to get too distracted, and then changed into our uniform. Usually, we get to the station early, so we can change there, but we knew that today we were only just going to get there on time, so we just put our uniform on now instead. We decided to skip breakfast and just eat at the station, seeing as we'd already had cake. Fifteen minutes later exactly, we were ready to leave. Everyone at the station knew that Andy and I were together now, so we could drive there in the same car, no questions asked. As I was driving, I took Andy's hand in mine and kissed it softly. That had become a sort of tradition for us, every time we are in the car together.
When we pulled up to the station, we got out and walked in hand in hand. We had managed to get there only five minutes late, which was good considering the time we set off and the amount of traffic there was.
As we walked into the beanery, all of the lights were off. I already knew that the team was planning on surprising Andy, but obviously she didn't. "Where is everyone?" Andy said.
"I'm not sure, maybe they got a call, but that would be unlucky in the first five minutes of shift," I lied. I knew they were planning on sneaking in behind us. A few seconds later, Andy came closer to me, a smirk on her face.
"Well in that case, looks like we have the place to ourselves," she whispered, before pressing her lips to mine. In that moment, I forgot about the team, and kissed her back, wrapping my arms around her shoulders. As the kiss deepened, the lights flicked on, and we sprung away from each other, hoping nobody had seen us. I looked up to see Hughes in the doorway, eating a slice of toast. When we both glared at her for interrupting us, she just shrugged.
"What? I just wanted to make sure you didn't take things any further... in the beanery... where people eat," she said, her mouth full of food. "Okay I'm going now bye." As she walked away, Andy and I glanced at each other before bursting into laughter. We were still laughing when the whole team appeared in the door.
"SURPRISE!" they all shouted, and Andy looked at them, a smile creeping onto her face.
We spent the next hour laughing in the beanery, eating even more cake and just hanging out. I looked over at Andy, who was sat next to me at the table, and all I could think in that moment was, how did I get this lucky?

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