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Sirens, blue lights. It was all blurred in tears.

I spent the whole night in the waiting room until the morning light shone through the curtains. The surgery was done, and the doctors said chances of survival were slim due to where the bullets had entered his body and how much blood he had lost, and that I shouldn't get my hopes up.

So, all I could do is pray.

Pray and cry.

The door to the surgery room opened. With new hope in my eyes, I looked at them, but no bed was rolling behind. They were just talking in low voices, and I assumed the worst. I could already see myself at his funeral, with the whole Mob, imagining what life would look like without him. Please, please, please god, let him live.

An elderly man with a tremendous mustache came towards me, his face chalk white.

Please don't say he has died.

"Miss Chambers, we inform you that Mr. Mayer's surgery has gone as planned. Chances of survival are still not likely, all we can do is hope", he murmured, and I nodded as my heart getting heavier again.

Lord, have mercy. You know I can't lose him another time. Let him live. Please.

I had visited the Mob and told them about the incident. They were devastated and furious, to say the least, and we all paid him a visit. Jordz was shot a few days after but survived. 

I haven't heard anything from Derek since, and I honestly hoped it was going to stay that way.

When I had visited him with the mob, he was looking lifeless, his chest slowly rising and sinking in the white, large hospital shirt. We all prayed for him, even his mom came by, that was when I met her for the first time-surprisingly though, she already knew who I was, because Rakim had told her about me. She was a nice lady, very sweet and caring.

The text message from the hospital came in three days later. 


How did everyone like that chapter?

SIKE LOL I'm not done. I won't do a cliffhanger this time, or will I? 

He was awake.

When I arrived at the hospital, he was still laying in his bed, with his eyes closed.

I sat next to his bed, and he must have heard me because he finally opened his eyes. Slowly, they fluttered open, and when he recognized me, his eyes were so full of love and hope I couldn't suppress the big smile spreading on my lips. 

He tried to sit up, flinched at the pain, but clenched his jaw. "Don't move too much, Rakim, give your body all the rest it needs", I said softly. Rakim gave in and just looked at me for a long time. "Rest, Rakim. "I'll be there." His eyes fluttered shut after a minute. "Do you promise?", he asked quietly. "Do I promise what exactly?" "Do you promise to be there when I wake up again?" "Yes, I promise", I answered warmly.

After an hour, he was moving again, yawned quietly, then slowly opened his eyes. Just when his eyes met mine again, the tears came. I hugged him carefully, and he slowly put his arms around me. I don't know how long we stayed that way, I just know that his shoulder took a lot of tears. "I'm so sorry for everything, Zara", Rakim finally said, obviously just getting used to speaking again. 

"There is no justification for what I did, but I really, really wasn't gonna let you step in that plane. I just thought that if I wouldn't be able to finish the plan, the Mob wasn't gonna respect me anymore. But don't be mad at them, they didn't want to do it anymore by the time they got to know you. I'm the dumb one. I was just so pissed off by the way you made me feel and the way I couldn't control it. I don't ask for us to stay in touch or anything cuz I understand if you don't wanna deal with my ass, but do you think...there is any way you could forgive me someday?", he asked, his dark brown eyes sparkling. 

His breath was going fast, no wonder considering how long he had just spoken. I couldn't stay mad at him, show him my cold side anymore. He had torn down the emotionless wall I had built without even realizing it. "I've already forgiven you." His facial expression changed immediately. 

"You deadass?", he asked, making me laugh. "Yeah, I'm deadass", I imitated his voice. "Oh fuck outta here with that gay ass voice, a n***a not talking like that", he laughed, growling in pain a few moments later. "Laughing hurts like hell", he stated. "So you're giving me another chance to make it up? We chillin?", he asked. 

"Yeah, I think...I think we are", I laughed, and at that moment, happiness filled my entire body, every corner of my heart, and at this point, I wasn't caring what he thought, so I stood up and danced around the room, jumping around his bed, and soon, the room was filled of laughter. "You're weird", he commented. 

"And your laugh sounds like an empty spray bottle", I laughed. "I'm so happy you're okay, honestly", I said. "Who said I was okay?", Rakim complained, so I gave him a little kiss on the cheek. "You okay now?", I laughed, when I saw him smiling from ear to ear. "Yeah, for the next few minutes I think that will do", he replied. 

This was the genuine him, less stressed and not so cold, but still the same Rakim that I loved.

The Mob arrived a few minutes later, everybody hugged him, Bari then asked the nurse when Rakim was going to be able to go home, she explained that it would be in the next four to eight days, but he was still going to have to stay in bed a lot. The vibe wasn't tense at all until the door was pushed open rapidly. Everyone jumped a little at the unexpected noise, and surprisingly, my eyes met my brother's. The Mob had their guns out within seconds, pointing them at Zack.

Can I get a fucking break?


Ok, fr now, how did y'all like that chapter?

Btw a bitch can't stand no sad stories that's why this one's gonna have a happy end😭😭

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