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The following evening, I was laying down on the couch while Rakim and the other guys were watching a movie I wasn't paying attention to. Thank's to Nast, the door was repaired, so we could actually close it- yesterday, it hadn't been fully shut all day.

Things with Rakim were very strange, to say the least. Every time I had asked him what we were going to do now and if I was forced to stay here, he just avoided my question and didn't give me a proper response.

My thoughts were still revolving around the same topic. Would Dan find me? What if he hurt one of the guys here to get me? I knew he wouldn't give up. I knew him too well. He was dangerous, and probably capable of things I didn't even want to know.

My gaze wandered to the window again, I saw a person passing by. It looked like a shadow, almost too fast to be real. I immediately tensed up against Rakim, the couch was small, therefore everyone was pretty close to one another. He turned his face toward me. "What's wrong?", he asked quietly with a questioning look on his face. "Nothing", I shrugged it off.

The movie carried on playing, a few of the guys smoked in the back or talked quietly, the other half eating chips and popcorn while watching the movie. The vibe could have been so calm, but the unsureness of so many things took that away. Another shadow passing by, but this time, the person looked inside the room. Although the face was exposed for a second, I couldn't identify the guy, but it was definitely enough for me to grab what was next to me and tighten my grip around it. I didn't have any time to check what it was-I kept looking outside with the blood wildly pumping through my veins. I tightened my grip again as another guy passed.

"Not tryna bother you or anything, but could I maybe have my hand back?", Rakim whispered, smirking. I felt my body getting hot as the realization hit me. I let go of Rakim's hand immediately. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize", I apologized, probably matching the color of a tomato. He laughed, and it was one of the most calming things I had ever heard.

I focused on the screen again to distract myself, which worked pretty well for the first couple of minutes, until whoever the fuck directed the movie had planned to include a jumpscare. A short scream escaped my throat, making the guys erupt in laughter. "That was the most predictable fucking scene in the whole movie, girl", Dom chuckled. "That scream just sounded exactly like my fucking grandmother, y'all remember the video from last year?", Bari wheezed, which made them crack up even more. "And then she hit you with the fucking slippers", Nast added with tears in his eyes. "My ni**a was still bruised after a fucking week!" I wish I knew the video just so I could laugh with them, I thought, but they looked so funny I couldn't even hold back a little chuckle.

But after I started fidgeting with my fingers a lot and looked out of the window all the time, Rakim seemed like he had enough.

"Wanna tell me why you're so tense?"

I nodded slowly, afraid of getting myself into an inconvenient situation again. "Let's go upstairs, this a boring ass movie anyway", he suggested. I nodded again, slowly getting up. "Already getting a room? Chill, bro", the Nast guy smirked. "You gotta learn how to control your dirty ass mind yo", Rakim laughed.

I sat down on his bed and he took a seat next to me. I looked down and it was silent for a while. When I looked up, I saw him staring at me again. "What?", I asked quietly. "It's like I know you from somewhere. I've seen you before, I swear", he said with a puzzled look on his face. I didn't know what to reply, so I stayed silent once again. "Maybe I'll remember later", Rakim shrugged. "Now go ahead and tell me what happened", he said as I noticed a weird feeling of nervousness creeping up in my stomach.

"It happened yesterday. I was on my way home, walking down the alley where all the trash cans are, you know which one I mean. I heard voices, but I just carried on walking. And then around the corner, I heard someone screaming, and turned my head. It was a guy threatening another guy, with a gun. And you know, I froze, cause like...I didn't know what to do. And then-", I fidgeted with my fingers and noticed how nervous I got thinking about it. "The guy, he...he pulled the trigger and shot the other dude. And I let out a scream cause I was terrified, obviously. I think the boy who was shot didn't die, cause he was shot in the shoulder and ran away I believe. I remember his screams, it was horrible", I said. I looked up to Rakim. "Doesn't even sound like you're lying, cause a friend of mine was shot yesterday, in the shoulder, too. He barely survived, still fighting his life in the hospital. What did he look like?", Rakim asked. I frowned as I tried to remember. "He was black, had short hair. Wore a dark green hoodie, white Nikes, if I remember correctly. Also, I saw his eyes for a second in the light of the lantern, they were pretty and bright, like hazel?", I said. Rakim nodded convincingly. "Seems like you're telling the truth, we're definitely talking about the same dude. Okay, go on, what happened next?" "Obviously he turned around and saw me and of course I ran. I think after some time he lost track, but he screamed that he was gonna find me and that if I told anyone, he would hurt me or shit", I said, trying not to show how afraid I was. "And um, then I got into your car cause I felt like it was safe, or at least the safest place near me. That's all", I finished, leaving out the part with the fire and the gunshots. He looked me in the eyes for an uncomfortable amount of time, then nodded slowly. "Do you know what the person that threatened you looked like?", he asked.

That was the worst thing about it all- I knew exactly who he was. And he knew who I was, too.

I began to stutter, feeling my body getting warm again. "Wait, you know the guy?", he asked in alarm. "Kinda?", I said and looked up, only to look down again. "Look at me." I raised my head. "Am I that bad?", he asked. "What?", I asked confusedly. "Look at you, tryna act tough and shit but you're crazy afraid of me", he said. We both knew he was right-it was obvious. "Yeah, I mean you threatened to kill me, and now...I don't even know you or anyone here. I am being chased and I'm putting everyone around me in danger. Of course, I am afraid of you and the situation", I explained as I gained confidence and got a little louder.

"You think he would have killed you just like that? He was clearly bluffing, my ni**a wouldn't kill without a real reason", a familiar voice behind me said.

I turned around. Memories started flooding back and making sense when I recognized his face. His eyes slightly widened. "What the hell, it'", he asked in shock.

I remembered when I had seen Rakim and him last year.

Things were starting to add up.

Or at least that's what I thought.


Heyyy :)

Who do y'all think the person could be? A little hint, he's also a member of the Mob. Shit's about to go down in the next chapters xD

Also, this chapter is dedicated to @thebutterfllyeffect for constantly supporting my story and showing love :')

Anyway, how was your day? Mine was alright, pretty average. I mean we're in quarantine, nothing much is happening lol.

I'll upload tomorrow as always. 

Byeee fellas hope you have a good day!

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