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I started running again, the first raindrops were falling already. The sky was almost completely dark. I transitioned into a fast walk when I suddenly heard footsteps behind me. I felt my skin burning again. Who could that be? I didn't want to turn around because if I did so, the person would maybe recognize me as Zack's sister. I moved my legs faster, and the stranger picked up the pace, too. I started jogging again, and when I heard that my pursuer was doing the same, I knew for sure that I was being followed. Despite my attempt to think clearly, I panicked. I was still tired, didn't have anywhere to go, the situation was hopeless. But I still wasn't going to give up. I ran faster, turned around a corner, another one, and another one. Black spots were blocking my vision when I finally stopped and hid behind an abandoned car. Was he gone?

Just when I thought that God answered my prayers, I felt someone grab me from behind. I screamed in panic. "Let me go!", I shouted at the person that was holding me. I looked up at his face. I knew those freckles, and I knew his curly red hair.

"Dan", I whispered. "Zara", he said coldly. It was silent for a few seconds, while I just stared into his sparkling, light eyes, searching for any kind of emotion. "Dan, why did you do it? Why did you shoot that guy? You could have killed him that night, you could have killed a human", I broke the silence. "Zara, he did terrible things. He would have done the same to me, so why am I the bad one? I am not responsible for the fact you had to see!", he said. "Dan, please let me go'', I whispered. "Did you tell anyone?", he hissed. I didn't move. "I asked, "Did you tell anyone?", he shouted and hit the wall behind me. I flinched. I wasn't going to lie, it would only lead to more trouble when he found out himself that Rakim knew. 

He slammed me against the wall, my head began to hurt terribly from the impact, making me squeal in pain. "Who did you tell?", he said, dangerously quiet. "Rakim", I whispered. "I can't hear you", he made me repeat it. "Rakim." He was in shock, his mouth opened and his grip loosened for a second only to get tighter than before. "You told Rakim Mayers? How the hell did you even get to talk to him? I bet you sucked his dick, stupid, unloyal hoe!", he screamed in rage. "I didn't! I was running from you when I met him, and he at least gave me a safe place to stay for a night!", I screamed back. "You're lying", he smirked. "I am not. He threw me out when I didn't want to give him information about my brother, and now that's unloyal?", I yelled. He tightened his grip, even more, that's when I got really scared. This wasn't the old, sweet Dan anymore, not the Dan I would hang around with after school and make jokes, he had changed a whole damn lot and I didn't like the new him. He was just a boy who turned his fear into sadness and his anger into brutality.

"Don't do this, Dan", I begged him. I tried to break free one last time, but I failed pathetically- he had always been stronger than me. He lay his hands around my neck. "What are you doing?", I choked, while a tear made its way down. My vision blurred, I couldn't breathe properly and everything hurt. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't-not a single sound would escape my throat. This was the end, I could feel it.

But just when I was about to blackout and stop wiggling, he let go. Just like that, the pressure was gone.

I fell to the ground and felt my eyes roll to the back of my head. I heard Dan screaming, and all of a sudden, everything fell quiet. I coughed, something warm dripped down my chin. I heard damped footsteps and rushing blood in my ears. The footsteps came closer, and I felt someone picking me up. I couldn't open my eyes, move, or think clearly.

I felt like I was drowning.

A single tear was escaping my eye, slowly making its way down. Who was that?

I attempted to open my eyes. They fluttered open slowly and I had to blink a few times for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. I tried to make out the face of the person carrying me. He suddenly looked down, and I flinched when the realization hit me. Rakim.

"Looks like you couldn't defend yourself", he said dryly. I just looked at him, blinking, while tears ran down the sides of my cheeks. I would have dried them, but I couldn't even raise my arm.

I wanted to tell him that he didn't have to carry me and that I could walk but I highly doubted that myself, so I just avoided his gaze. Although I hated him so much right now, I had to thank him. I could have been dead by now. "Rakim?", I said softly. "Hmm?", he mumbled and looked down. "Thank you", I simply said. "I'm sorry for what I threw at you earlier", I apologized. Where did that come from? "I was just really anxious about the situation, I didn't mean to yell at you like that and insult you", I said and tried to swallow the lump in my throat. "Nah, actually I was the one acting like a bitch. I shouldn't have thrown you out and treated you like that, shit was pretty immature", he said and added a little smile. I tried to smile back, then felt my eyes getting heavier. I gave in and let the darkness overcome me, while a thousand thoughts were racing inside my head.

It seemed like I had no control over what was happening anymore, and the realization left a weird feeling.


A lot of action in this chapter! What do you think of it? What do y'all think of the characters?  Feedback is highly appreciated, a comment means the world to me :)

How is everyone's day going? 

Also, thank you for 200 reads!! :D

Apart from that, does anyone have song recommendations? I need some new music to listen to.

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