
383 18 26

Thursday, December 5th, 2019, 11:12 pm

-It was already dark outside, so dark I could barely see in case no lantern was around. I looked up in the night sky and sighed-if the air wasn't so polluted, I probably would have been able to see the stars.

There were still people hanging outside-mostly gangs blasting music and smoking, or homeless people and crackheads.

I approached a group of guys that I knew. "Hey, have y'all seen my brother by any chance?", I asked. "Nah Lil Z, but shouldn't you be inside? It's dangerous out here this time of the night", Dan said. He was an acquaintance of my brother and a good friend of mine, his real name was Daniel but he preferred the short version. The others nodded in agreement. "I'm just looking for him, he should have been home hours ago", I said with concern. "I guess I'll carry on looking for him then", I sighed. "Take care!", Lucas yelled, but I had already disappeared in the dark.

Where had he gone again? It was always the same, he always got himself into trouble and didn't pick up the phone for hours.

I hopelessly turned around the next corner, already thinking about giving up and going home. But unexpectedly, I caught a glimpse of a few people in the distance, and when I slowly approached them, I spotted my brother; he was violently pinning up someone against a wall, and behind him, another guy was yelling at my brother. He had braids and brown skin, he was pretty tall, too, and held a gun in his hand that he didn't shoot-probably because my brother was pointing his pistol at the guy who seemed to be the other dude's friend. The guy being threatened seemed shortly before passing out because of my brother's grip. "Ferg, come on, man, do something!", his friend begged, a helpless expression overtaking his face.

I didn't think, I just did what I did, it was more of an instinct. "Zack, what the fuck are you doing!", I screamed. My appearance must have caught him off guard, his grip loosened and the guy set himself free by punching my brother in the face, which didn't even make me furious in any way; he got himself into this, plus he would have done the same. While the guy was making his way to his friend, my brother was raising his gun. "Let that be!", I screamed, running towards him as fast as I could. I jumped on him, his gun sliding on the ground. "Run!", I managed to warn the other two guys while checking if they were still there. The guy who my brother had almost killed seemed weak and was supported by his friend with the braids. He and I stared at each other for a second, when suddenly my brother groaned. "What the fuck! What the hell were you thinking?", he screamed at me. I could see how the guy looked at me; his eyes asking if I needed help. Where did I know them from? I hadn't seen them in ages, but I knew them. 

My eyes wandered to his friend, who seemed to get weaker with every second, and I shook my head determinedly. He clenched his jaw, nodded at me the last time, and disappeared into the darkness.-

I turned around to look at Rakim as if I wanted to check if he was the same person from my memory. He seemed to remember who I was slowly.

This wasn't good at all. 

What happened next was too quick for me to realize. Rakim suddenly shot forward and forced me into a painful position I couldn't move from, causing me to gasp in shock. "What are you doing?", I said, wincing at the sting. "Forreal, she didn't do anything?", the other guy asked. "Ferg, are you fucking serious? She's Zara, Zack's fucking sister! Zack is a liar, traitor, and god knows what else! I bet she was lying about all of that and it was planned for her to get in here!" I felt my eyes getting wet. "No, I swear it wasn't! I swear everything I told you is true", I whimpered. "I am not lying, please believe me." Rakim seemed unsure of what to think. "Let her go, you're scaring the shit outta her! Rakim, use your fucking brain! She doesn't look like someone who would kill us all, she probably doesn't have a gun since she's wearing your hoodie and overall she saved my fucking life!", he hissed. "Please let me go, I promise I won't do anything, just let me go", I begged. Begging for being set free felt horrible. I was so vulnerable, and I hated every little aspect of it. Rakim finally let me go, I slowly sat up and looked at him for a second. "I'm sorry, this was...wrong", he said with an apologetic look. "You just made it so much worse", the Ferg guy said and sat down next to me. "I gotta thank you for pretty much saving my life that day", he spoke up. I nodded. "Uh, you can just call me Ferg", he introduced himself. "Nice to meet you, I'm Zara as you already know", I muttered. Ferg replied with a small smile, then looked at Rakim. "I'll leave you two alone for now I guess", he murmured, got up, and shut the door.

"Zara?", he said. I cleared my throat. "Yes?" "I think I'll let you stay here."

I shot him a confused look. Wasn't he making me stay against my will anyway? "Not like that. Look, I know that you're being chased. Imma tell you something; as long as you're here with me or any of us, you're safe. No one in this city can protect you like we can. You wouldn't have to run away anymore, you'd have a warm bed, food...", he said.

We both knew he wasn't lying, the Mob had earned a lot of respect over the years.

But there had to be something negative about it. I narrowed my eyes. "What's the catch?" He seemed to feel a little exposed but carried on talking confidently as always. "Since you're Zack's sister, I'm aware that you know things that could be...useful."

Of course. Rakim knew exactly how much I needed protection right now, and he also knew that he was the one that was most likely to be able to give it to me. On the other hand...I knew that my brother could be an asshole at times, but still, I wouldn't snitch on that level. I wasn't going to give the little information I had to his worst enemy just like that. I slowly shook my head. "I'm a loyal person. This is hardcore snitching, Rakim, I can't do that", I explained. He looked at me for a long time, I noticed his jaw clench. I've only been near the new Rakim for two days, but I had already learned a little about his body language- whenever something didn't go as planned, he clenched his jaw. "Aight, there's the door", he said, pointing at it. I stared at him. Was he gonna make me leave like that? "Rakim, I...I am...please don't, he'll find me", I stuttered. He was quiet for a second as if he was reconsidering.

"You heard me. Leave before I make you", he commanded as a cold, monotonous expression lay upon his face.

I just looked at him for a second, while I felt the anger building up inside me. "You know what, imma leave. Fuck you, Rakim. Just fuck you. You think you're a guy that does what he gotta do, but let me tell you something. That. is. Fucked. Up. I'm not begging for you to protect me, I'd rather die than staying here with a person like you. I know I need protection, but if being protected means losing my pride, I don't fucking want it!", I yelled and retreated slowly. "I can defend myself!" He didn't say anything, just looked at me silently. I turned around and slammed the door, then stormed downstairs, in the living room, and made it to the door. "What the fuck, what happened? Wait!", Ferg shouted, but I was already outside, running.

I felt tears streaming down my face, while I made my way away from here. Just away, far away. The lump in my throat started getting so big I had trouble breathing, so I just leaned against a wall and cried.

I had no idea what to do now or where to go. Why was all this happening?

How the hell was I supposed to make it out here alive?


Hello everyone! We're almost at 200 reads, thank you :')

What do y'all think of the chapter? Rocky was an asshole in this one lmfao, it's gonna get better though, I promise xD

I don't really have a lot to say today. I hope everyone has a good day :)

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