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I opened my mouth, but the words just wouldn't come out. I knew it was probably over now, it seemed like there was no chance I would make it out alive. 

"Who the fuck are you?", he raised his voice again. "I-", was the only word I managed to say. Another voice started talking. "Look, Rakim, shawty can't even speak right now, see her legs shaking?" Rakim.

I remembered him straight away. He had changed a lot, his voice had gotten deeper and his jawline and cheekbones were more defined. Rakim had been a good friend of mine back then, but things changed- the person I was glancing at was the guy my brother called his worst enemy, the guy he hated the most out of every single person in Harlem. Very surprisingly though, Rakim didn't seem to recognize me and acted like we didn't know each other. I went along with it because I knew my life would be in even bigger danger if he knew who I was.

I looked up again, meeting the eyes of another teenager. He had a face tattoo- next to his right ear, I could make out the letter W. The guy had brown, clear skin and a bandana was wrapped around his head. Some of my fear melted away when I noticed his warm facial expression, but not enough to calm my racing pulse. The boy I had identified as Rakim sighed, then took a step back. "Get out", he said. I shook off the blankets, forced myself to get up, and jumped out of the car. I caught sight of a few more guys and just like I had assumed, that made five guys altogether.

Suddenly, I realized what the black, small object Rakim's fingers were wrapped around was.

A pistol.

I felt my eyes widen and retreated immediately, but my foot got caught up in something and I stumbled across an empty bottle laying in my way. I squeezed my eyes from the pain the impact had caused me. I wasn't able to think clearly for a second, but when I had gained the control over my body back, I crawled backwards slowly, noticing he was pointing his gun at me now. "Don't move." I froze immediately. "Lower that man. She ain't doing nothing, probably not armed and doesn't look like she knows how to shoot a gun", the friendly-looking guy said, walking towards me. He reached out a hand, I looked at it for a few seconds, then took it, deciding I had absolutely nothing to lose. He pulled me up, and I gave him a small, forced smile. He nodded his head. "Look I...last night I needed a safe place and I know I shouldn't have done it, but I... I noticed that the back door wasn't closed so I got in. I didn't hear a thing y'all said in the car, I swear, the engine was too loud", I stuttered, almost messing up the words. They didn't look too convinced. "You have to believe me", I begged. "I have to go, I really have to. Someone is chasing me, and he won't hesitate to hurt anyone, probably he would even kill!" Rakim let out a small laugh. "You think I'm buying that shit? Look at me, you think I care about that someone you just made up? Fuck that, you ain't going nowhere", he made clear, a stern look on his face. The guy who had helped me up looked unsure of what to think. "Dom, are you tryna tell me you believe her? Ni**a, she is telling lies." "I'm not saying she is telling the truth, I'm just saying we should listen to what she says", the Dom guy shrugged.

"Either we get this done now or she's coming with us, you decide," Rocky told the other boys as he leaned against the car, looking at me with a glance I couldn't interpret.

The silence was suffocating. I felt water welling in my eyes and looked away to deny my tears, trying to swallow the lump in my throat.

"We ain't killing nobody man, she could be innocent", a guy from the back spoke up. I nodded at him to show I was thankful for what he said; he returned the nod.

The Rakim guy sighed. "I'll take her to the crib then, I guess." His eyes met mine- I froze, and before I knew it, a tremendous amount of fear built up inside of me again, and my legs started moving. I ran. The voices faded. Someone shouted. 

deceived.// A$AP RockyWhere stories live. Discover now