
451 20 21

I slowly opened my eyes, trying to remember where I was. I glanced at my surroundings, and suddenly, the memories started flooding back into my mind.

All of a sudden, I felt a slow movement right beside me. I shot up from my comfortable position, just to see Rakim sleeping right beside me. Why did he just lay down there? I mean, I couldn't blame him for spending the night in his own bed, but sleeping in the same bed with him had an extremely weird tinge to it.

I immediately got up and awkwardly stood in his room for a few seconds. I didn't know what to do, so I walked towards the mirror. My legs still hurt, but I tried to ignore the pain and walk normally. I took a look at myself. My face looked a little more recovered in contrast to the day before, but honestly, I still thought the girl in the mirror looked more dead than alive. The wounds on my hands were treated. Wait a minute, what? I stared at the white bandages that were wrapped around my palms.

I couldn't remember. As hard as I tried, I couldn't remember how the bandages got there. Somebody must have done that while I slept, and I wasn't a heavy sleeper, therefore I was pretty surprised I hadn't noticed.

The hunger started getting so bad I couldn't resist the idea of looking for some food, so I opened the door quietly and made my way downstairs.

It was calm and dead silent in the big living room, and I didn't know what to do. It didn't feel right to just take some food without asking, but staying in the living room until somebody got downstairs would be extremely random while going back upstairs and watching Rakim sleep was definitely weird and not an option.

My thoughts were interrupted by a strange noise outside. Was that Dan? Was there any chance he could have found me? It was a short sound, like someone clearing their throat, then the mysterious somebody scratched the door where the keyhole was. The door was being shaken, that's when I woke up from my trance and sprinted upstairs in panic. I ran into Rakim's room and shook him awake rapidly. He groaned, then rolled away from me as he mumbled something I didn't understand. "Rakim, please wake up", I whispered, shaking him harder. "Someone's at the door", I added. "What?", he asked sleepily. "Somebody is trying to open the door, I was just going downstairs", I explained, panic making my voice shake. Just then, we both heard the door break.

Rakim's jaw tensed, he was on his feet in a matter of seconds and quietly made his way towards the door. "Be careful!", I whispered. He turned around, a slightly mischievous smirk lay upon his lips. "You worried about me? Who would have thought that." "I'm not worried for your ass, I just don't like cleaning up blood", I hissed. He grabbed his gun, and despite the bad feeling I decided to follow him. "You stay right here." Just when I was about to shake my head, we heard footsteps on the stairs.

Our eyes met for a second, I was surprised to catch a glimpse of fear on his face. He sneaked towards the living room, his smooth movements barely made any noise.

"Don't move if you don't want a bullet going through your head", Rakim said sternly, and I flinched at how cold his voice sounded. He didn't make the impression as if he was to hesitate at making his threat come true. I saw a guy coming up the stairs. He had a clean fade cut, brown skin, and a tattoo on his face, it looked like a letter, but I couldn't identify whether it was an F or an E. He brought a very unlikeable vibe with him though, the man looked like the guy to murder his whole family and not give a shit, he was one of those guys you know you better keep your distance with. The big gun in his hand just contributed to the image I had created judging by his looks.

"Oh yeah? You barely have the balls to hit somebody", the boy laughed with a deep, raspy voice. "Jordz, just fuck off already. I can tell-" He was cut off by a fist colliding with his face, and he went down, cursing. "I'm tired of your talking, Rocky. This is how men talk", the guy spat. Rakim was quick to fire back, he landed a punch on the guy's face himself. Everything happened so fast I couldn't tell how it happened, but after a few seconds, the guy who Rakim had called Jordz was laying on the floor, blood dripping from his head. "You're gonna pay for this", he laughed raspily. There was a rapid movement to the right of Rakim, my eyes reflexively shot to the place I had noticed the movement, just to meet eyes with another guy who was holding a gun in his extended arm that was pointing it at Rakim. My movements froze, and my throat felt so dry I couldn't talk. "Rakim!", I tried to shout, but there was only a whisper coming out, the stranger was still glancing at me so hard I felt the fear creep up my spine.

When I heard a sound behind me, I knew it was too late.

I felt someone grabbing me violently, his hand covering my mouth. He smelled like weed and sweat, not a very good combination. This time, I screamed; only a quiet, damped sound escaped my throat. I tore his hand away with all the power I had left and shouted again. "Rakim, to your right!", I yelled at top of my lungs. He spun around immediately and got out of the way just in time. In a few steps, he was standing in front of the guy. They stared at each other for a second, until Rakim shot forward and pushed his head against the wall a few times until he went down. It was so cruel I had to avert my gaze, blood started to spread on the floor as the guy groaned and started to lose consciousness. Rakim took his gun and came towards me and the guy. I wiggled in his arms, but he was muscular, thus he didn't have any trouble holding me in place. I suddenly felt something cold and thin being pressed against my throat. I didn't realize what it was until I moved a little too abruptly and the blade cut my skin.

A knife. He was holding a knife to my throat. I froze, fear spreading inside of my body.

"Move and your girl dead", the guy said. He had a very deep voice as well, but the way he was talking made me want to run away. Rakim looked me deep in the eyes as if he wanted to tell me something.

I felt the guy touching my inner thigh, going up and up, resulting in helplessness and more fear creeping up inside of me. I couldn't focus on what Rakim was trying to tell me. "How do you like that? Gun on the floor, motherfucker", the guy behind me hissed. To my surprise, Rakim dropped his gun immediately, his jaw clenching. Rocky locked eyes with mine again and made a slight movement with his head back. Suddenly, I understood what he was trying to say. I snapped my head back at the guy, my skull connected with his nose and I heard something crack. His grip loosened, I used the opportunity and pushed his arms away, in that second Rakim had arrived and forced him against the wall, his fist colliding with the man's face again and again. At the same time, I noticed that someone stumbled down the stairs in the corner of my eye. The boy was in boxers and rubbed his eyes. "What the fuck is going on here, a ni**a tryna get some motherfuckin' sleep!", he yelled angrily, until he realized what was happening.

A little blood puddle had started forming on the floor, but Rakim didn't stop. "Don't you ever fucking touch her or any woman in that way again, motherfucker", he hissed.

"Rakim, stop", I screamed, not being able to watch the scene in front of me any longer. He slowly took his fist back and looked at me, and that was the moment I realized how bad the other guy had hurt him. Blood was coming out of wounds on his face and he was breathing heavily. "Oh my god, we have to fix your injuries, does it hurt a lot?", I asked worriedly. Rakim just looked at me for a long time, again, a look I couldn't interpret like he was searching for something. "Sorry to interrupt, but what the fuck happened here?", the guy asked. "Jordz broke in and tried to kill us all", Rakim said a little too calmly for my liking. "But what-" "We'll talk later, can you get the bodies out?" He let out a sigh. "Aight." "Rakim, we should go fix your face", I said firmly. "Whatever you say." The room where they kept the medical stuff was actually neat, it smelled like hand sanitizer and the walls were perfectly white.

And suddenly, everything was so quiet again. As if the things that had just occurred had never happened.

"I probably would have been dead without you, you know. They would have just killed me in my sleep. Or when the dude I didn't notice tried to shoot me", he spoke up. I didn't know what to reply, so I just didn't say anything for a while. "You just took out two men by yourself, I barely helped", I answered. "But thank you for helping me when that guy grabbed me, I appreciate it", I added. "It's just what every decent human would have done."

I smiled a little, he returned the small gesture.

Silence lay upon us again as I continued to disinfect his wounds carefully.

He didn't flinch a single time, just looked at me with his keen, thoughtful eyes.

I wonder what he was thinking about.


I hope y'all liked this chapter! The next one is going to be a little more relaxed :)

How's your December going so far? Today, it snowed for the first time this winter in Austria and it's making me happy :') Teachers are going crazy with online school and assignments though :(

I'll see you tomorrow, stay tuned! 

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