29. Summer loving

Start from the beginning

"Shall we see what George is up to?" I say to Fred as Ginny starts writing to one of her friends.

"Yep," he says popping the p at the end as we hop off and walk to the room he shared with George.

We walk through the door and George looks up at the pair of us.

"Finally," he says as he carries on writing, I assume they are order forms for the joke shop and I sit down to help him along with Fred as he sits close next to me, ever since more stuff started happening we were more flirty in front of people and I think it was annoying George a bit.

"Seriously, you two are acting like newly weds and it's disgusting." He tells the two of us pulling a disgusted face.

"Maybe if you got a girlfriend you wouldn't be so grouchy." Fred tells him.

"Maybe Angelina..." I say teasing him, which clearly bothers him.

"I'm not going to ask Angelina to be my girlfriend." George says to us.

"Although George she has wrote to a lot more than she usually does, even more than she does to y/n here and they are closer friends then the two of you so something has to be going on." Fred tells his brother.

"Maybe she likes you back," I tell him, "the worst thing she can do is say no and you could make it out to be a prank anyway if It doesn't go well."

"I don't like her!" He protests with the top his ears burning bright red.

"Sure you don't." Fred says and we both laugh at him.

"I miss the days where I could wind the pair of you up for liking each other and not admitting it." He says continuing to fill out some more order forms.

"It's more fun to wind you up though, George." Fred says to his twin brother, even though they both had the same reaction when someone teased them which wasn't often and was more their older brothers doing it to them.

We carry on filling out order forms until Molly calls all of us down for dinner.

- - - -

As it was the middle of summer Bill suggested we play a quidditch match four v four however Percy wasn't up to it as he started some new thing for the ministry which none of us really paid attention to.

"Well how do we split seven into two teams?" Charlie asks the rest of us.

"Ginny can keep score," Molly said, she didn't really like girls playing such a rough sport but she knew there was no point arguing with me as I was in the quidditch team.

"But I want to play!" Ginny protested to her mum.

"You can watch its more fun that way and safer for you." Molly tells her and Ginny folds her arms as she knew it was going to be a pointless argument and waste time.

"So a keeper, beater and chaser on each team?" Charlie asks all of us.

"I'll take y/n as chaser and Fred as beater" Bill tells his younger brother. "You can have George as beater and either you as Ron as keeper or chaser."

"Fine. I'll be chaser, George beater and Ron as keeper" Charlie replies to his brother.

We all go outside and set stuff up first to 150 wins.

Ginny releases a bludger then the quaffle which a take possession of straight away heading for the goal we made as George stops me with his bludger and Charlie catches the quaffle. I chase him around and Fred then hits him with the bludger and he drops the quaffle and I gain back possession and score against Ron.

- - - -

We all carry on playing and I even let ginny have a go and she clearly has a talent for quidditch, most of the Weasleys do and they could be their own team as well.

The game ended up is winning by 20 points I suppose when you play with the twins a lot you know all that Oliver had taught them, we all walk into the living room exhausted.

"So do you guys know how the next quidditch captain is?" Bill asks Fred, George and I.

"We have no clue, it has to be anyone but Harry as we are all in the same year group my bets y/n." George tells his older brother.

"Yeah I could see her bossing the whole team around, she evening tried when she wasn't even captain." Charlie says laughing.

"It's just because I am a natural leader, we will find out soon though most likely when we get our letters for the new school year." I tell the boys.

"Well I think you would be an amazing captain." Fred says kissing my cheek.

"Sucking up eh Fred?" Bill asks him.

"Nope." He says popping the p.

We all carry on talking until Molly tells us all to go to bed, I enjoyed talking to all the Weasley siblings and seeing the bond they all had which was something I was always jealous of when looking at the family.

- - - -

A/n: hope you all enjoy this chapter I think one more chapter then I'll stay to write about the quidditch World Cup. I like writing in small details as it's nice to see some of the things that goes on when I don't write.

Any requests for future chapters please say and I'll try and for them in if possible.

I hope you are all enjoying you say only a couple more days until Christmas even if it doesn't feel like it. :(

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