I laughed to myself about the backstory of the picture

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I laughed to myself about the backstory of the picture.

I was taking her to work an some little hoe text me Just as she was bouta get out the car.

Her ass so funny, she gave me a kiss just to snatch my phone out my hand; she made me take this little ass ugly photo AND send it to olé girl ass.

I wont say Marie doesn't care about what I have going on, but she dont trip to hard when she sees me doing me, barley at all.

I guess She don't really wanna be known though, ion really know. Ima drop all the Hoes soon though On my momma.

Looking at my watch I stood up in a hurry.

"Oh shit, I got 20 minutes.... aye yall boys Ill be back, once yall fill up that van Do the next one, dont touch my shit either or ill cut ya fingers off, be safe"

Grabbing my car keys I walked out the house in a hurry.

"Angel Better be lucky she Family now" I shook my head.

Reversing out the trap house drive way I made my way to the hospital.


"About Damn time Gio!" Angel huffed as I walked up on her in a wheel chair.

"These nurses are driving my ass crazy with questions."

Chuckling at her I grabbed her chair from behind.

"You sign your discharge papers?"

"Yeah, hold up though Im waiting for a prescription."

Noddling my head we waiting a few minutes before a nurse came back with the pharmacy bag in her hand.

"Ok Hunny, remember two before you go to bed for the next week."

"Yes ma'am" Angel responded.

"Ok hun, be safe ... you take care of her young man" she turned to me. I smiled kindly at her.

"My Girlfriend would kill me if I let anything happen to her best friend ."

Angels Neck snapped to mine with a huge grin on her face.


Laughing I shook my head at her.

"Lets go" I said pushing her out the automatic doors.

"Hows the kids? Has Lilly been keeping up with the house cleaning? Whats Trent been up to? He didnt cheat on me right? An since the fuck when you an Marie Date?!"

"Damn fuck Derrek huh?"

She gave me an 'opp' face smiling. "I was worried about him too, hes just the good one of the group so ya know..."

"Mhm sure, an Marie been mine Ion know what you talking about" I laughed.

"Oh yeah? Mr. ion like Whores?!"

"I was in my feelings at that time" I laughed.

"That was like Two weeks ago!" Angel said, her arms swinging in the air.

"Yeah yeah" Waving her off, I wrapped my arm around her lifting her from the chair to her feet.

"You got it?" I asked.

"Yeah" she said her face in clear indicator of pain.

"Is it your side?" I asked looking down.

"Yeah, but im good" she said Opening the car door.

"Mhm" closing it behind her I ran to the driver side.

"So Trent said to bring you to his house-"


"He also said no buts" Looking to Angel I laughed when she fell back into the seat sighing.

"Trent thinks he knows everything"

"He is pretty smart"

Starting the car up, we began our way to his house.

"Gio, be honest with me, you Like Marie for real?"

I rolled my eyes, girls are so damn extra, im still fucking her aint it?


"Im just saying Cos , ... she deserves the world"

Feeling my heart tug at Angels words I looked to her.

"I gotchu"

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