Chapter 7

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"What are we going to do, he took Harry and I dont know where he would be, poor Harry he can't deal with anymore stuff a...and he could have a panic attack and I wont be there to help him."

"Louis just calm down." Liam said rubbing my shoulder.

I shot my eyes to Liam and immediately felt so much rage. "You want me to calm down? MY BOYFRIEND JUST GOT KIDNAPPED AND GOD KNOWS WHERE HE IS SO NO LIAM I WONT CALM DOWN." I said screaming causing everyone to look at me.

"I'll call the cops to see if they can do anything." Liam said pulling out his phone.

I took a deep breath and continued to pace back and forth. I saw the elevator open and it was Niall, Zayn, and Savannah?

"Hey Lou we heard what happened are you ok?" Niall said hugging me.

"No, Harry cant be alone he needs me and I...I don't know what to do." That's when I broke, I started crying and I don't know when the last time I cried but it felt like forever.

"Hey it's ok take deep breaths and everything will be alright, we will find Harry I promise." Zayn said hugging me and Niall.

"The police are on their way, we will find Harry." Liam said hugging us too. Niall looked at Savannah and signaled for her to join. We all took a deep breath and let go.

"Ok when's the last time everyone saw Harry?" Louis said looking at everyone.

"I saw him this morning when I found his school ID in front of the door, I was asking him where Nialls room was because someone cough cough Niall forgot to give me the room number." Savannah said glaring at Niall.

"Anyways, I saw him on facetime today while he was making breakfast." Liam said showing us the time he called.

"I saw him before him and Louis left to go to their room." Zayn said looking Niall

"Yeah same." Niall said agreeing with Zayn.

"I saw him before he left for his appointment. I said looking at my phone.

We saw cops pull up and the came up to us amd started asking us questions like who might have done this or if he would purposely do this.

After we answered all the questions the cops went to look at the footage and knew the man right away.

"Carter Kaminsky." He said out loud.

We all looked over at the cop and he looked up at us. "Carter Kaminsky is the most sneaky kidnapper ever, he almost catch him every time but be gets away." The cop said taking notes on his notepad. I could even pay attention to what the cop was saying, all I could focus on was how someone took Harry.

"But we will get Harry back right?" I said getting scared.

"Most likely, he likes to leave the boys he kidnaps so we focus on them instead of going for him."

I sighed in relief and tried to calm down.

"We saw he got off on the fourth floor so we will go check around that area, I want you all to stay here with officer Jones and tell him if anything happens."

We nodded then everyone sat down but I couldn't stay still to save my life right now. I dont get how everyone is calm right now like my boyfriend and their friend was kidnapped.

If I could I would trash the whole place to pieces in a heartbeat. I cant live without Harry hes my one true love and I love him with all my heart.

Harry's POV.

This POV contains a R@pe scene so skip if you need too, I'll let you know when it's safe, love you all.

All I saw was black, I was scared and confused and was close to a panic attack and Louis wasn't here to help me calm down.

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