Chapter 12

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"They are alive." The man says still flashing the light in my eyes. I grabbed Louis' hand aggressively and he jolted up and looked around at where he was.

The man shines the bright light away from us and he was in a police outfit with his radio on his shoulder. He kept his hand on the button speaking to the other people every few seconds.

"Do you fellas know where you are?"

"Yeah, we just fell asleep." Louis said politely as he could. The officer scuffed and looked at his watch and then at me and could see I was shaking. "Are you ok son?" The officer screamed out making me jump.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I whispered out trying not to sound suspicious. The officer nodded then Louis pressed down on my hand to calm me down and it worked pretty fast. Louis' hands were warm even though it was cold out and his soft hands that he probably moisturized daily.

"Well, you two get back home now ok? Drive safe." The officer spits at us as he started to slowly walk to his car. Me and Louis stood up quickly and picked up the blanket and ruffled it around to get the sand off. Louis just rolled it into a ball and grabbed my hand and squeezed it twice.

We both hopped into the car and sighed and snapped our heads at each other and laughed. The mood was good until my phone lit up and I got a notification.

Louis glanced at it and noticed my frown. "You ok baby?" I swiped over the notification and just stared at it. "It's your dad's birthday?"

Louis just looked at me waiting for an answer but I couldn't speak. My mouth just froze and my eyes started to water.

"Talk to me please." Louis pleaded. "Yeah, it's his birthday. And I...I dont know what to do, I know both of my parents died but they didnt tell me anything about my dad but they gave me a note he wrote before he died." I could feel my breath picking up and my throat started to close and my voice changed to a higher pitch.

"I'm so sorry but what did the note say?"

I pulled out my wallet that had no money just noted from my parents and found the one from my dad. I opened the piece of paper that was torn and crumpled up and started to read it.

"Dear Harry, if I die I dont want you to go visit me or think about me but when my birthday comes around just go visit your mum. I'm sorry to do this but I dont want you to do anything about me and just know I love you and your sister but it's better this way." A tear pricked my eyes and I quickly wiped it away with my shirt.

Louis put his hand on my shoulder lightly and held it there until I threw the note back in my wallet. I tried not to show I was basically crying on the inside or that I was depressed about this because I knew Louis would feel even madder about this and that would make me feel guilty.

"Do you need a hug?" Louis questioned. I nodded then practically jumped into Louis arm and started crying but didnt make a sound so Louis didnt know I was crying my fucking eyes out. I wiped my eyes off then pulled away and looked into Louis blue eyes and smiled.

I knew if I showed my pain it would all spill out and I wasn't ready for that but how does one just not cry over the fact their dad wrote a note that said if I die forget about me and I can't even visit his grave because I dont know where it is.

I try not to talk about my dad much but his birthday is one of the hardest times in my life besides my mum's birthday and when she died. It's not easy to deal with losing someone but it's been years since my parents died and I still cry just thinking about them.

I snapped out of my thoughts when Louis started the car and I heard the engine roar. Louis swerved out of the parking spot and into the road and started driving. Louis put his hand on my thigh and squeezed it tight. It turned me on a bit but I couldn't focus on that, only on the note that I finally read out loud to someone other than Gemma.

Kissing My Best Friend (L.S) **Completed**Where stories live. Discover now