Chapter 14

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I couldn't believe anything, I honestly thought I was dreaming but I couldn't hear anything cause my heart was beating louder than ever. There is no fucking way my dad is alive and if he was why would he lie about being dead?

Why would he leave me all alone with an aunt who abused me? I didnt know if I felt rage or sadness or a mix of both. I felt someone grab my hand and I didnt bother to look because with the heat I was feeling I knew it was Louis.

Some how he always manage to calm me down even if it was just a little bit. It was just something about his soft warm hands that just give off this energy that makes me less stressed and anxious.

"Harry I thought your dad was dead." Louis said squeezing my hand to get my attention. I furrowed my eyebrows and just stared at my dad who was standing in front of me just fidgeting with his hands.

"I thought he was dead too." I said not taking my eye off him. "Harry please can we talk? I need to explain everything."

"Explain what?! How I was told that you and mum died and you told me to just forget about you but I never did and I always thought your guy's death was my fault." I took a deep breath but that didnt work, I still felt so much rage that I needed to get out. "I cried so fucking much everyday and my own aunt abused me and Gemma moved away to italy and I havent seen her in months. Did you two even get into a car crash or was that a lie too?"

"We did get into a crash but I want to talk to you...privately."

I turned to Jay and she nodded then gathered everyone and they went into a different room. Louis looked at me but I just squeezed his hand tighter so he knew I wanted him to stay.

"Me and your mum were in the car on our way to get you but I was driving and we got into a huge fight earlier because she found out I cheated on her so she wanted a divorce but we both got a call from school saying you got in trouble so we decided to put on a fake face and act like everything was ok."

" just cheated on mum?!?"

"Yes and I'm so sorry, I never meant for it to happen but it did."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I honestly thought I was in some sort of nightmare and I was never going to wake up. "What um happened after that." I said as I kept squeezing Louis hand tighter and tighter.

"Well we got into the car and then me and her started going at it again but it got worse and worse so without thinking...I purposely drove into another car hoping it would kill both of us." He looked down in shame and tried to avoid looking into my eyes because he knew I would be furious.

I started tearing up quite quickly and I let go of Louis hand he I could see the panic in his eye out the corner of my eye. "You purposely killed mum." I said while clenching my fists.

"Yes and I'm so sorry I have regretted it since the day I did it. I then saw you at the cemetery visiting her and that's when I knew I should have came clean."

"So you were the one who was watching us from behind a tree." I said angrily while my eyes were wide open. "Yes and I'm sorry if I scared you but I just saw how grown up you were and I just missed you." I could just see fake tears go down his face.

I cant believe this man I called dad was here alive when I thought he has been dead for years, and he had to survive instead of my mom who was the nicest person ever and deserved to live more than him.

I could have lived a happy life with her and not be as depressed but finding out all this just made a dark storm cloud hover above me. Louis probably wont be able to help in this situation.

Kissing My Best Friend (L.S) **Completed**Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora